This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here

Mort calling Mina

Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Just dropped by to see how you are after a weekend abroad!

I have to say it was really great to meet you and that you were exactly what I expected you to be, but also not! smiley - laugh

I am really quite shy with new people - which is why I hid next to EV and Jamie when I first got to the pub - but it seemed that in no time we were having a right old chat!

Hope it isn't too long before you visit again and I promise not to giggle at your accent next time smiley - winkeye

Mort calling Mina

Post 2

I'm not really here

smiley - biggrin It was good to finally meet you! I did sense that you were a bit shy - two of my SILs often don't speak to people they don't know very quickly, so I'm used to it.

I use the same trick with shy people as I do with children. Don't talk to them until they talk to you in case they get scared off. It was good to be talking like old friends for the rest of the night though!

I'll be up again for my holidays in August, otherwise I'll have to wait for the next Scottish meet to fall on a weekend J stays with his dad.

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