This is the Message Centre for Roasted Amoeba

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 161


Actually... me thought your brain was in my wardrobe!!

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 162

Small fish

So I'm not the only person to keep amoeba brains in my wardrobe? Phew, I thought I was the only one for a while.

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 163

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

help.......theyre scaring me............

all this talk of red this an always convention?

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 164


It would never be a convention.. what a thought!

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 165

Roasted Amoeba

Very good point Greebo... my brain is there too... smiley - smiley

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 166


You have two brains Oh One Celled One??? ~thoughtful grin~

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 167

Roasted Amoeba

No - I have one brain in two places...

It's a clever brain... smiley - winkeye

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 168


Yeah? That's what you claim...

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 169

Roasted Amoeba

Are you disagreeing with me? You'll have to disagree with all of us - Harold and Percy included...

I thought you were my fwend... smiley - sadface

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 170


I am, and sometimes it is a friend's duty to tell sad news... smiley - sadface

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 171


Tis true... ~grin~... You have a good friend Oh One Celled One...

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 172

Roasted Amoeba

So are you saying, Bluebottle, that Harold is not a clever brain?

smiley - sadface

You're right, Greebo, I do have a good fwend... smiley - smiley

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 173


Harold is a clever brain - but not as clever as you are smiley - smiley

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 174


~Greebo's eyes go crossed as she tries to work that one out!!!~

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 175


Is a brain the seat of a person's intelligence?

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 176

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

and theyre still scaring me.........
brains with names? what does it all mean!
lets ask the cat.........

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 177


I would have thought that an ameoba would have a sort of central nucleus rather than a multicelluar brain myself.
I like the occasional conversations the Simpsons, in particular Homer, have with their brains.

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 178


~grin~... The One Celled One... is highly unusual... me thinks he's evolving... ~bigger grin~... he has a foot now...

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 179

Roasted Amoeba

That's right. Not just any foot. This is a LEFT foot. smiley - smiley

Blueberry Doughnuts?

Post 180


Cooooo... looks familiar!!!

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