This is the Message Centre for Skankyrich [?]

The Ashes

Post 61

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - bleep me - you reckon? Not a chance.

The Ashes

Post 62

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Oh dear smiley - headhurts

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

The Ashes

Post 63

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Just glad I'mnot into cricket smiley - winkeye.

This thread made a nice read though.smiley - smiley

The Ashes

Post 64


Reading article on train yesterday and the wag writing the column said that whilst channel hopping during the 4:40 break for tea, he came across one where a scantily clad woman urged him to call her for just a pound a minute to fulfil his wildest fantasy. He wondered how a sexline worker could make Harmy bowl a decent line and length on the other side of the planet!smiley - biggrin

The Ashes

Post 65


Hang on a second...I live in Oz and The Ashes Series are a vital part of life here!smiley - magic

But, Howsomeether, dont know the score today as I have been babysitting grandkids, and after watching The Wiggles for the zillionth billionth time, I am Kenackered...

The Ashes

Post 66


Second test is due to start in an hour...and no messages yet..smiley - yikes

The Ashes

Post 67

Skankyrich [?]

No smiley - bleeping Monty, either smiley - sadface

The Ashes

Post 68


Havent seen the squads yet...I will have to do a quick check..if you are right tho, Fletcher is a total looney!!!

The Ashes

Post 69

Skankyrich [?]

They won't name the Australia squad until the last minute because of McGrath. The Laws state that they must have the team named by the toss, which should be taking place at the latest round about now.

Sticking with the same bowlers that took nine wickets last week makes no sense to me, when there is a more attacking spinning option on a more attacking pitch.

The Ashes

Post 70

Skankyrich [?]

'In their first innings in the last seven Tests in Adelaide Australia have scored 428, 575, 556, 552, 439, 403, 441, going on to win six of the matches and losing just one.'


The Ashes

Post 71


I still havent see the England squad named yet, and i live in Oz!smiley - cheers

The Ashes

Post 72

Skankyrich [?]

England win the toss and bat.

The Ashes

Post 73

Skankyrich [?]

Both sides unchanged, incidentally.

The Ashes

Post 74


I know...going to sit back on the lounge and watch every ball...smiley - magic..see ya later and avagoodweekend...smiley - cheers

The Ashes

Post 75

Skankyrich [?]

This partnership and the next look key for England. Anything from Flintoff, Jones and Giles is a bonus at the moment, so we've really only got two more wickets to build a great score. 400+, batting well into tomorrow, is important if England are to win.

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