This is the Message Centre for Skankyrich [?]

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 41

You can call me TC

Whoops - missed it! Damned w**k.

*slumps in corner with bottle of smiley - redwine

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 42

aka Bel - A87832164

Rich celebrated last night, and told us to wait till after the races today, but I haven't seen him yet, and it's unlikely that I will smiley - sadface
that's life, eh ? If you can wait,TC, you might still have a chance to celebrate smiley - cheerup

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 43

Skankyrich [?]

*hic* smiley - drunk

Thank you all for your best wishesy drinky things, now, anyone for smiley - bubbly, smiley - cake and/or 'nekkid noolies' smiley - yikessmiley - bigeyes

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 44

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on a horse back
"How was the horses ? smiley - ponysmiley - bus "

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 45


raises a glass of smiley - bubbly to Rich... I love these parties that go on for days smiley - hug

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 46

Skankyrich [?]

It's been bloody marvellous, off to East Anglia tomorrow!

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 47


Sounds great! smiley - biggrin Will there be smiley - batsmiley - bat ?

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 48

Skankyrich [?]

I hope so, but I'm mainly going to study wild flowers! Big girl that I am smiley - laugh

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 49


smiley - laugh Well I think it's very manly to study wild flowers (except when I do it, of course smiley - winkeye ) Which wild flowers in partic?

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 50

Skankyrich [?]

Oh, I'm learning to identify them all, using the key in the book to get them into families and then eventually down to species. So nothing in particular, it's just bloody difficult!

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 51


Aha...well I hope you find some good 'uns to identify <smiley.

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 52


Aha...well I hope you find some good 'uns to identify

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 53


Ooops..sorry..half-asleep... there was a smiley - smiley in there to smiley - zzz ..have fun in East Anglia! smiley - hug

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 54

Skankyrich [?]

Well, it seems a long way to go for flower ID - I'd rather be in Wales, scouting out cracking musicians, for example smiley - smiley

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 55


Oh the lesser spotted minstrel, perhaps? smiley - laugh Well you'd be very welcome dear chap smiley - biggrin

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 56

Skankyrich [?]

I've been looking out for that one for a long time. I hear its song is particularly sweet smiley - smiley

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 57


smiley - smiley But remember the 'spotted' bit...after-effects of too many smiley - choc Easter smiley - chicks smiley - rofl
Night night smiley - hug

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 58

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - laugh Sleep well, love smiley - smooch

Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 59


I have a big smiley - book about identification of things with petals, sepals, calix's & all manner of other floppy parts which attract birds, bees & insects.

It helps if you know Latin. But you are great at identifying birds; not many would know "turdus turdus" = thrush. And as for the tiny troglodytus, who would have thought it could build cathedrals?

If i have got this the wrong way round, you will have to excuse me, it's Awl Yaw Folt for encouraging me to have that last barfday drink on MSN.

Squeak soon.That goat smiley is very good.BAAAAHHH!


Happy Bidet To Me!

Post 60

You can call me TC

You really must be looking at flowers. There's no racing at Newmarket today.

TC - originally from Newmarket)

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