Journal Entries


*Must* write article about gfx tablets once I've found somewhere to live, then get round to writing all the other stuff I've been putting off for the last month.

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Latest reply: Jan 21, 2000

Goodbye Venus in C____

Well, another entity vanishes from the Guide. Still, it was nice while it lasted, and created some wonderfully cosy images to keep me feeling warm through a horribly cold Xmas and New Year in the Dales.
All the best, whoever you were.

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Latest reply: Jan 18, 2000

That light again

Also, that half-dead streetlight was working again yesterday night (until I walked underneath it (again) and it went out (again). Always seems to happen when I'm feeling annoyed.

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Latest reply: Jan 14, 2000

One of those weeks

Not the best of times - off with flu last week, but came back to work this week still rather tired. With the assistance of some imperfect instructions, I managed to bugger up an upgrade to the company accounting system.
Decided to wipe the accounts and restore from backup. Then found the previous day's backup hadn't worked, nor had the previous week's. Finally got back a 3 week old version. It seems the guy we paid £800 to in December to do a day's pre-Y2K updating + checking had screwed the SCSI drivers up. Cheers mate - *I* could have done that for nothing.

Yesterday, the leased line router on our remote site blew its PSU. It's a known design fault, (the exact same thing happened to its twin here 6 months ago) so the manufacturers offer a free repair - BUT apparently it takes them an entire week to undo 5 screws and one plug, and pop in a working one. No chance of them just mailing me a new PSU to swap in. Hell, it's so damn trivial, a manager could fit it. (With supervision, even our CEO would have a fighting chance). Had to bodge in a suitable unit from my home spares box.
Now I have just have to get the accounting stuff working in time for payday....

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Latest reply: Jan 14, 2000

The trouble with Psychology

I reckon one big problem with psychology, philosophy, or any other subjects that claim some special insight into thought is when people go straight from school to study them at university, before they've really learnt enough about reality as an adult.
Some (*not* all) people start taking their particular brand of descriptive language *way* too seriously, and become convinced that they are they the chosen ones who really understand all thought in a way nobody else can.
From that point on, some start to filter everything they see in the real world through the terminology they've been taught, which means they're often not capable of realising when their world view is inadequate, or even plain wrong.
Language taken too seriously can be a real prison for thought.
To (probably mis-)quote Lao Tse, 'Once there are words, one also needs to know when to stop'

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Latest reply: Dec 17, 1999

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