This is the Message Centre for daringlola5678

ace's welcome daringlola5678!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm one of the assistant community editors here. We greet newbies such as yourself and help you get all settled. I notice that you've found some <./>smileys</.>, you'll discover plenty more if you click <<that link. The smileys are only one of the many items you'll find mentioned in Feisor's list of Hints and Links at A719840. Review that carefully, there's alot to see, including the Researchers' smiley - earthMap(at A5076614)and much much more. If you have any questions feel free to leave me a message, alright. Simply use the 'Reply' button and I'll try to respond promptly.smiley - cheers

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