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what a wonderful game. 5 players fouling each other and bumping their kneecaps out of place.

well the score was 6 to 24. my team wo course with the 6. we had less than 3 minutes to go. we were hopeless of winning.

so we just decided to go for 10. only two simple shots.

the sad part is we couldnt even get that!

but it was a good game. except for the fact that one of our players started to throw up in the middle of the game. luckily not on the court.

i scored a point.

but it was a free throw cuz i got fouled.

the important thing though is that we had good sportsmanship and everyone (almost) had fun!

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Latest reply: Jan 8, 2000

food fights

It gives a new meaning to "tossed salad"
"pass" me a roll, please.

As the food flies by, one starts to wonder "who started all this?"
but then the thought is dismissed when they feel jello smack their face and they search for who threw it and something to throw back.

Where did the idea for food fights come from? I have no clue!
but whoever thought it up was either brilliant or....brilliant!

food fights are the best thing since sliced bread. speaking of which, i think sliced bread was the food used in the very first food fight.

there are many different types of food fights.

Jello fights
whipcream fights
cheese fights
tofu fights

in fact, there is probably a fight with every food!

jello fights are fun cuz it gets all slimy
whipcream fights are fun too cuz you can spray it up someones nose.

there is also the food fight where you use every food in the whole cafeteria (or wherever you happen to be eating) in that one fight.

the only negative thing about them is CLEAN UP...

but that's why we have janiters. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Dec 4, 1999

which is better...

Burning to death or freezing to death?

living a life of bad and when you die you find out there was no point to living, good or bad or living a life of good and when you die, you find out you were actually doing bad?

getting a gift or giving a gift?

being happy but at the same time make everyone else miserable or being unhappy and making everyone else happy?

writing a letter in hopes that everyone will read it...and no one does or writing a letter in hopes that no one would read it...and everyone does?

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Latest reply: Nov 7, 1999

a brief summery

the lady or the tiger is about a semi-barbaric king and his daughter. when someone is accused of a crime, the way he is decided innocent or guilty is the king puts him in an arena where everyone is watching. the suspect has two doors he can choose to open. behind one door is a famished tiger that will eat up whoever opens the door and behind the other door is a beautiful girl waiting for someone to open the door. if this door opened the girl and the suspect are emmediatly married by a priest in front of everyone in the arena and then they go home together. it does not matter if the suspect has a wife already. they still get married. i obviously have not finished the story. i will try to finish it tomorrow.

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Latest reply: Sep 23, 1999

"The Lady or the Tiger?"

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Latest reply: Sep 22, 1999

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