This is a Journal entry by Crazy_Gal

food fights

Post 1


It gives a new meaning to "tossed salad"
"pass" me a roll, please.

As the food flies by, one starts to wonder "who started all this?"
but then the thought is dismissed when they feel jello smack their face and they search for who threw it and something to throw back.

Where did the idea for food fights come from? I have no clue!
but whoever thought it up was either brilliant or....brilliant!

food fights are the best thing since sliced bread. speaking of which, i think sliced bread was the food used in the very first food fight.

there are many different types of food fights.

Jello fights
whipcream fights
cheese fights
tofu fights

in fact, there is probably a fight with every food!

jello fights are fun cuz it gets all slimy
whipcream fights are fun too cuz you can spray it up someones nose.

there is also the food fight where you use every food in the whole cafeteria (or wherever you happen to be eating) in that one fight.

the only negative thing about them is CLEAN UP...

but that's why we have janiters. smiley - smiley

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food fights

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