Journal Entries


only one. What is the meaning of life? I am not asking this question for my benifit but urs... i feel i already know the answer, but do you? just something to ponder...
what's next? The lady or the tiger..another thing to ponder...

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Latest reply: Sep 21, 1999

i wonder

how many journal entries are we allowed to have???
which is better, aol instant messenger or icq?
which is better, hotmail or yahoo?
how many ppl read this?
how many people know what terms like ppl and lol and roflol mean?
who is cuter, me or u?
what does a monkey do in its free time?
what is a flying llama?
when will english teachers realize you dont have to analyze a book to enjoy it?
where is the center of the universe? wait i know the answer to that one...
lets try another one...where is all my money really go when i put it into a bank?
i thnk that is enuf questions for today.

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Latest reply: Sep 19, 1999

hmmmmmn...for the crickets

 Think, think, think! hurts to think. who ever thinks (ouch) these journal entries are worth while, say "I." *sound of cricket chirping in the background* i guess that means the cricket thinks it worth while so i will continue just for that cricket. you know, i just love the weekends... they are sooooooooooo NO SCHOOL!!! but thats just my opinion....ya got a problem with that??? well, thats your problem. hmmph!

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Latest reply: Sep 17, 1999

School: phoooey

 Today was another day of plain old boring school. Yesh school. i a
am an ordinary school girl with nothing better to do after school than
to write a journal entry on a computer. i am sure there are many more
like me. well any way school: if you wanna know what classes i am
taking, here they are:
English, chorus, math, science, physical educacion, history, and science.
wonderful, huh? well not much happened in my day worth writing about...
so i'll quite wasting your time and shut up.

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Latest reply: Sep 14, 1999

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