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just hello, from bear cave,

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Latest reply: Oct 10, 2004

new day arriveing,

hello to all any thing to say???????

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Latest reply: Oct 9, 2004

tom for all soldiers mums

any body else think tom waits song off album real gone,
beautiful, song called
day after tommoro,
if not heard it do your soul favour listen to it, plus can also light match off cover,

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Latest reply: Oct 8, 2004


nobodys talking

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Latest reply: Oct 3, 2004

What About Us

Floating, flirting, talk of future plans.
Across wood, brick castles,
Steel trees keep our heads back from freedoms kiss.

We are part of your future,
Testing with silent screams, man's dreams,
Perfect cosmetics, disease free societies,
I'm choking, smoking, so your future,
Stands out in smokeless clouds.

But what about us?

His paper-bag is whiskey dried,
Shopping trolley future, a drip with empty cans,
A butterfly light-bulb,
Casts giant shimmering shadows
Old age lonely memories, futures ready cash.

Is the future just a curse,
So what about us?

Teenage painted tears,
Trickling floods of future fears,
Another tribe that perhaps the future
Will try and hide.

Are we the future wrinkle,
Tested with old age rage,
Just a young teenage animal,
Waiting for future's new cage,

So what about us?

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Latest reply: Sep 24, 2004

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