Journal Entries


just plain baked hi. de hi.
on very dulled duty wednesnicked,
no candles and dark here in bear forest land,
pawprints to you all

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Latest reply: Oct 13, 2004


anybody love southern ireland
esp bantry bay,
quiet tuesday is slowly ticking goodbye,..

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Latest reply: Oct 12, 2004

scooby doo

just started to choke on scooby snack,
lucky for me passing acrobat saved life
forever gratefull to the high wire,
dead head stickers,

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Latest reply: Oct 11, 2004

warm hammer horror

any hammer horror film fans around,
just lit warm coal fire bear will sqeeze into it,
sorry pollution,

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Latest reply: Oct 11, 2004

any night creatures abroad

any nighty creatures flapping about,
with latex wings. and other odd tings.
hello to all that crawl,

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Latest reply: Oct 10, 2004

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