This is a Journal entry by giantgentlebear

any night creatures abroad

Post 1


any nighty creatures flapping about,
with latex wings. and other odd tings.
hello to all that crawl,

any night creatures abroad

Post 2


Don't think penguins are nocturnal, so I'm about to tuck my head under my wing and gently drift into dreamland. smiley - zzz

Bears on the other hand are known to prowl at night - happy hunting GGB!


any night creatures abroad

Post 3


still prowling to no avail me thinketh
all of heaven asleep .smiley - biggrin

Good morning

Post 4


Oh dear GGB, what are we going to do with you. Surely you know that while heaven may be the place of eternal rest, no one ever sleeps there. They are too busy be guardian angels to the rest of us...smiley - smileysmiley - hug
Anyway here I am at Monday, with a sick cub and a shed load of work to re-arrange. Deep joy! smiley - flustered


Good morning

Post 5


hope cub cured soon, them guardian angels must be busy, bad day also work,
but jumping of bus tommoro ,day off ,smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Have lots of fun

Post 6


Glad to hear you get a day off although why you are spending it jumping off a bus is beyond me. Still each to his own.

Cub is sufficiently recovered to be loudly demanding attention - as opposed to lying comatose. So I will do my duty. Catch you Wednesday.
smiley - cheers

Have lots of fun

Post 7


supposed to be at work,
but jumping off bus instead sounds lot better,
glad cub better but you could always use gag,smiley - magic

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