This is a Journal entry by giantgentlebear

new day arriveing,

Post 1


hello to all any thing to say???????

new day arriveing,

Post 2


Yes another day has arrived. How are you greeting it? I have a full day of activity - some fun like lunch with a couple of friends; some work as in cleaning the house and some dread as in it's Monday tomorrow.

Whatever you do, have fun.
smiley - hug

new day arriveing,

Post 3


work greyness, dog chaseing dont do friends or suday lunch , bears prefer lonley old wood,
and raiding odd picnic site, read your work on editors pick very good,smiley - biggrin speak later
m.psmiley - hugsmiley - cheerup

new day arriveing,

Post 4


must remeber n in suday,smiley - laugh

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