This is the Message Centre for Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

G'day Nick

Post 101


Morning/Evening Nic which is my way of acknowledging that its breakfast time for me smiley - oj and dinner time for you smiley - smiley

I must admit that it is a bit hit and miss but I don't think I would change it now even if they do bring in pipes from the local village up this way to connect us to the mains. I have learnt to value and appreciate not just our water supply but quite a few other things connceted with it that most people take for granted and I would hate to forget what I have learned because I have a pipe... having said that people in perth are on water restricitons too beause of the droughtsmiley - erm

G'day Nick

Post 102

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

There is always that ... You tie in to a convenience, and you can lose touch with simpler ways. Much of this town's homes are heated by natural gas, our own using fuel oil. But a loss of electricity, for any reason, and neither are of any use. It takes a spark to ignite, and electricity to power the fan that distributes the warmed air. But atleast we also have a wood-burning fireplace, and always keep a couple of 5-gallon jugs of potable water. With a couple of inexpensive battery packs, and loads of candles always at-hand for light, we very comfortably get through anything the winter storms have tossed at us.

G'day Nick

Post 103


Have a cupboard for candles toosmiley - smiley and our wood pile has been slowly growing over spring and summer it wont see us through the winter but it cuts down on the need to buy quite so much wood. Each year we have to clear the fire break and that gives us a resonable little pile there are lots of fallen trees we could cut up but then we would be stealing the little critters homes so we leave them eveything else and buy in the remaining wood we need smiley - smiley I am sore today I think I slept funny or maybe its those moving walls smiley - cdouble

G'day Nick

Post 104

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Or it may have been moving every stick of furniture that you own, from end to end of the house. smiley - winkeye

Time to run along, and warm up some supper. The slab of ham that we baked for supper yesterday, would easily feed 12 !!! Loads of left-overs. smiley - drool

G'day Nick

Post 105


Have to dash too dawn patrol has arisen enjoy dinnersmiley - run

G'day Nick

Post 106

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

And now, it's probably approaching lunch'ish time for you. We stepped out for an hour or so, to deliver a card and an ice-cream cake to friends. Tomorrow is their 19th anniversary, and with 2 teen lads, and both parents working full-time, I don't expect they'll do much for themselves any day soon.

G'day Nick

Post 107


Good morning Nick smiley - boing yes I have been up since 4.00am dont ask anyway in my waderings I found this and you might enjoy reading it later if you haven't already not too far from the truth

I think its smiley - magic that you and your good lady dropped of smiley - gift for your friends should be more of it in the world smiley - applause

Now for the big news smiley - applause my baby lives and all for the mere price of $170.00 considering that she is 13 years old, I think this is a bargain as they just don't make them like this old girl anymore and if I get another 13 years of trouble freeconvection/microwave cooking (yes my microwave how could you think I was talking about anything else) smiley - whistle I couldn't be any happier than a port lincon at spring harvestsmiley - magic

I need more smiley - coffee it was a long day yesterday and its going to be even longer today more trips to the doctor smiley - wah trip to the university very confusing intimidating place smiley - nahnah but I am determined I have a card now that has my picture on it that says student to the world it also gets me free medical including physio and massage, cheaper public transport, movie tickets and concessions at a whole bunch of places while telling the world I am smarter than I look oh alright the last one I made up smiley - whistle

The jury is still out on the results of Beths shoulder and after they had finished testing her yesterday she was in a lot of painsmiley - wah but in true ANZAC fashion she soldiered on smiley - smooch

I should get back to work I guess hope you have a good evening by the way next time your cooking up a storm could you airfreight some this way or send it over in a smiley - tardis

G'day Nick

Post 108

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Oh, lots of stuff to reply to !!! smiley - bigeyes This is what I get for not being able to come on-line during the busy part of the day. smiley - erm

One tid-bit ... If you wish to point someone to an article, a user's page, or a thread of discussions, you don't require the whole long line of stuff. Just the part that ends it ... the A___, U___ or F____ part of it. Much easier to copy and paste, and easier on the eyes. smiley - winkeye

I am so happy that you and your baby have been re-united, in good health. I hope she will make you many more delightful meals, snacks, and occassional inexplicable culinary disasters. smiley - rofl

I am sorry that your other baby is having such a time of it with the shoulder. And can only hope that some answer, more hopefully a resolution, can be found as a result of all of these prods, pokes and indignities.

So, lastly, you are now an officially a Smart-person/Wanna-bee, eh? You've got the cool card to prove it. smiley - laugh Apparently you see a lot more benefits from it than my wife did, when she returned to college. She did get some discounts here and there, but not one massage was ever offered. I had to pay for the danged things.

G'day Nick

Post 109


Hello smiley - cheerup it's me I have stuck my head up long enough to get it shot off smiley - whistle

I know why they call it higher educatiton now you take one look at everything after you have signed up and you climb the nearest roof top and start screaming if you come near me I'll jumpsmiley - winkeye to the Tutor that is.

Lucky for me I have a friend who does this for a living and she is going to come and talk me thoguh everything it is so different when you do it on line talk about visual overload don't suppose you have any heavy duty fuses to spare I think I am gong to blow quite a few before this is oversmiley - erm

Different topic we had enough rain in 1 hour to fill our first tank up to half way and it has rained every day for the past four days the frog man was rightsmiley - ok

Weirdo07 seems to have gone underground I hope it is not for good I miss her bright personalitysmiley - sadface

News on my baby smiley - smooch front she has a tear in the ligament that feeds into the shoulder socket and down her arm she may need surgery or she may just need physio have to speak to somebody else to find out

Well I am beat from two unbelieably long days and two very short nights of sleep the boys are happily ensconced in front of computer think I will knick 40 winks before I start the day over again, been up since 4.00 again smiley - yawn

Maybe I will catch you tonightsmiley - run

G'day Nick

Post 110

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

It was a very long and trying day here as well. Sadly, I have no mentor to call on, and with the snow around here, I can't even find my favourite tree stump to converse with. In a stout double-faced axe language. Really good for off-loading grumbles and cusses.

So then some apparent cause has been found for the young Lady's shoulder. I do hope physio can do a trick. It may take longer, but NOT being physically intrusive, won't leave the same results of a surgery. Namely unsightly scars and nearly guaranteed arthritis in later years. Any bodily intrusions will come back to haunt, eh?

I have seen (via the INFO page) the Lady Weird appearing a time or two each day. She seems to drop in where she chooses, quite selectively, to suit her limited times. I'm sure that when she finds longer time slices, you will hear from her. smiley - smiley

Now then, would some serious 30 and 50 amp fuses help with anticipated over-loads from the whole academic world? We still have some about, from the 50s and 60s technologies that we meet on occassion. smiley - laugh

G'day Nick

Post 111


Yes please I'll start with one dozen got any circuit breakers too

I am reserving Hootoo as my reward for evey hour of work I do I get to play on Hootoo for 15 minutes ooohhh sorry I meant diversify my international communications networksmiley - cool

So what was causing the stress or will that only makee it worse revisiting itsmiley - erm I think I may need to find an outlet too pumelling something sounds very attactive smiley - whistle got any suggestions

I am glad she is still on line I got a reply from the write of the article in question and while I don't like his brand of humour he seemed sincere in his apologysmiley - hug hope she is feeling better.

It is now officially autumn here and it is raining again today have just heard a Dr of something or other talking about the weather statistics for the past 150 years in this state and what we can expect from his analysis looks like we have a 6/10 chance of average rain fall and a 3/10 of better than average I personally am putting my money on the frogs and going with the 3/10. A group of New Zealand farmers and the New Zealand Airline have offered a bunch of drought striken farmers in Australia free holidays just goes to prove that there is a lot of good people with big hearts in this world still including in the world of big business.smiley - magic

Okay now to do some housework and see to the boys keep your fingers corssed re the physio option as I am with you on that onesmiley - oksmiley - run

G'day Nic

Post 112


I finally managed to decorate my PS looks much better feeling very proud of myself in fact don't think i need that degree now smiley - whistle

G'day Nic

Post 113

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I don't have very much time left before I must be away to work. Sorry. I will look at your PS later though.

The day was long, many changes to my list of duties, and a disappointment with personal finances. In all, just a nasty day. But today is a new one, and so smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

G'day Nic

Post 114


I am so tiered I have to leave for work in a little while and I am not looking forward to the two hour drive however as I am seeing a couple this morning with regard to their two sons I have to go smiley - yawn.

smiley - coffeesmiley - coffee and a quick jog round the firebreak are in order I think followed by a cold shower which at this moment in time can be done while jogging as yes you guessed it the frogs were right it's raining againsmiley - biggrin

G'day Nic

Post 115

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Ummmm, doesn't a cold shower also generally call for bared hide? Such a jog about might scare away the frogs. Well, if it was ME, it certainly would startle the wild-life. smiley - yuk

G'day Nic

Post 116


Ahh thats the beauty of living in the bush no neighbours and its pitch black outside so even the animals wont see me smiley - winkeye it does however raise the point that I wont see them either dont know if I want to go dancing in the nuddy with a kanga smiley - erm on second thoughts I'll settle for the smiley - coffee

G'day Nic

Post 117

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

And of course, if a mis-step has you doing a tummy-slide in the fresh rain slicks, those mucky smiley - footprintssmiley - footprints when you enter the house again might be hard to explain. smiley - rofl

When in doubt, smiley - coffee is ALWAYS the right idea. smiley - biggrin

G'day Nic

Post 118


which brings me to a sad realizationt I am now able to waste water on washing floors again so when I get home today out will come the steamer thanks for reminding me nicsmiley - sadface

G'day Nic

Post 119

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Hey, what are friends for, eh? So long as it isn't me behind the mop, hoover or other implement of cleansing. smiley - rofl

G'day Nic

Post 120


Resistance was futile I tried I really did but they got me the thingites I mean they snuck up behind me and dragged me off honest they did what you dont believe me would I lie to you no really would you like to borrow my ray gun to melt your ice now will you believe me oh and by the way can you tell i am sleep deprivedsmiley - winkeye

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