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Enough of the Parasites.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Nov 21, 2011
KB, you have given me nightmares over your tongue-eating louse entry and I didn't even look at the reference pick. Please no more entries like that. Even though they have great yuck and ewwwww appeal, some of us don't find it appealing/
Enough of the Parasites.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Nov 22, 2011
Thanks for being contrite. It is just that I don't usually have nightmares so the reaction went deeper than it should have. Have a great week!
Enough of the Parasites.
KB Posted Nov 22, 2011
It *literally* gave you nightmares? I thought that was a bit of hyperbole!
Enough of the Parasites.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Nov 22, 2011
Nope and I didn't eat anything before bed either.
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Enough of the Parasites.
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