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Where are the new captions on the FP for The Post?
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Mar 7, 2011
The captions there are from last week's items. Also there was NO SOLUTION offered for you and Mala's bird picture to identify the little beasties within. This bums out puzzle takers.
Other than that looks great.
Where are the new captions on the FP for The Post?
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Mar 7, 2011
The captions are still not there KB.
Where are the new captions on the FP for The Post?
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Mar 7, 2011
Thanks yourself and have a good week.
Where are the new captions on the FP for The Post?
KB Posted Mar 8, 2011
In future, if you notice anything wrong with an article in The Post, it would be good if you posted it there, instead. Or even the Post Readers' Forum.
This is something I feel quite strongly about, because The Post should be the first stop for news about the community here. It is not, but it should be.
Where are the new captions on the FP for The Post?
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Mar 8, 2011
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Where are the new captions on the FP for The Post?
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