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The acronym thingy

Post 21

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Ooh, let's talk sheet smiley - biggrin

I have two fitted ones - one beige and one maroon - and a flat blue one. The maroon one is currently hanging on a nail by the front door. FYI, they make great draught excluders. I hammered four nails into the wall, one at each corner of the door frame, and when it gets exceptionally cold (about three days a year in Texas smiley - winkeye), I stretch the fitted sheet over the nails and it helps to keep the cold out and the apartment toasty warm smiley - ok

The acronym thingy

Post 22

You can call me TC

I'm not very good at talking sheet. I prefer to make blanket statements.

The acronym thingy

Post 23


I can we use the knowledge of the colour of Gosho's bed sheets for profit and personal gain? Could we blackmail him? Threaten to tell The Sun? smiley - bigeyes

That's a clever trick with the nails. It could also work as a mosquito net, or some kind of a contraption to capture fugitives! smiley - eureka I hear that bounty hunting is big business in the states.

So Gosho, what kind of sheets? Terry towelling? Or fancy high-thread count Egyptian cotton? I find fitted sheets have an annoying habit of coming unstuck at the corners during the night. I often find myself pulling them off and throwing them away in frustration, after waking up all tied up in sheet.

The acronym thingy

Post 24

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Was it Debby Harry who said, 'Roll me in designer sheets...'?

The acronym thingy

Post 25

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Blanket statements smiley - rofl

No, just plain ordinary cotton sheets, KB, nothin' fancy. Not much need for terry-towelling sheets here, which is a bit of a shame really because there aren't many things as nice as climbing into bed in the depths of winter with terrycloth sheets top and bottom smiley - bigeyes

No need for those any more though. I bought a 12.5 tog goose-down duvet more than 30 years ago and it's still keeping me as warm as can be, even though it's shed a few feathers lately, and even on the coldest nights. And it can get cold here, perhaps colder than in London. What's 17°F in the centigrades... -8.3°C smiley - brr The coldest temperature I remember in London for sure is -5°C, but we had two winters in a row with cold snaps that went down to 17F.

Well that's interesting. It looks like the coldest temperature recorded here in Austin is -2°F/-19°C, but in London it's only -10F/14C.

I seem to be giving away a lot of information about my bedlinen. I wonder what the Feds and Google are currently making of that...

The acronym thingy

Post 26

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Wait, that doesn't look right...

London is 14F/-10C

The acronym thingy

Post 27

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

You'd better watch out. Homeland Security is going to be all over this valuable intel. smiley - whistle

The acronym thingy

Post 28


smiley - yikes They'll use it to break you during interrogation! They'll use it to build a profile and get inside your head! Before you know it you'll be in an orange jumpsuit and they'll know you were the guy who slagged off the eccentric Texas beer laws!

I'm freaking out now. I'm saying nothing more til I see my solicitor and get examined by my doctor. smiley - shhh

The acronym thingy

Post 29

Malabarista - now with added pony

Hmmm, Gosho, you have admitted to owning three sheets and using them to block draughts.

So you've just publically stated that you're three sheets to the wind. smiley - drunk

Don't let THEM hear THAT!

The acronym thingy

Post 30

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - roflsmiley - cheers

The acronym thingy

Post 31


smiley - laugh Pretty damning! I'd say it's curtains for you. But the less they know about the curtains the better.

The acronym thingy

Post 32

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

No curtains here, matey boy, it's all blinds.

Oops, I've said to much smiley - run

The acronym thingy

Post 33


smiley - rofl For the life of me I can't work out how this became a conspiracy thread. It must be the mind control beams affecting us. smiley - alienfrown It can't be 2legs' fault, as he's in absentia.

That's very suspicious anyway, if you ask me. Just how did he know to get out of Dodge so quickly? smiley - yikes

The acronym thingy

Post 34

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

2legs must be wearing a bigger tinfoil hat. smiley - winkeye

The acronym thingy

Post 35


I think I've re-subscribed to everyone now. It's nearly December. smiley - zen

I'm still nearly hypnotised into signing everything [Amy P], but that will pass. smiley - laugh

The acronym thingy

Post 36

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

It'd be very confusing if you signed everything [Amy P] as wellsmiley - tongueout

The acronym thingy

Post 37

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snork

Don't worry, the agony is almost over.

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