This is the Message Centre for Mizzpinky *sighs* here we go again

And so it goes ...

Post 201

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

They have one bugger of a job, over-all. One that I'd never want. So far as I know, on the whole, they do pretty well too. (Yours and ours) But of course, the one foul-up out of how many activities, ... that's the only stuff you'll hear about. Life, eh?

And so it goes ...

Post 202

Mizzpinky *sighs* here we go again

It's because they give motorists an extra hard time here thats why they fall for a lot of flack

And so it goes ...

Post 203

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Times and places here, they seem to be excessive as well. But to the average "Joe" who observes the common sense rules of the road, and stay within 5 or 10 mph of the posted limits, ... It's not so bad. I've been pulled over twice in my 30+ years of driving. And both times, I deserved it for being such a jack-ass with speed.

And stupidly young, I will add.

And so it goes ...

Post 204

Mizzpinky *sighs* here we go again

When I first started driving I was pulled over AT LEAST once a week, I think because I looked very young and therefore too young to be driving.

And so it goes ...

Post 205

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I was about 12, driving cars, trucks and tractors on farms. Maybe 14 the first time I took one on the roads ... The constabulary expected this of farm-lads, and generally over-looked my 4' 9" behind the wheel. I really WAS a runt until I hit about 16 or so ... smiley - laugh

And so it goes ...

Post 206

Mizzpinky *sighs* here we go again

ahh you see I'm only 5' which doesn't help

And so it goes ...

Post 207

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Ah, but I'm sure a very fierce and intimidating 5', eh? smiley - laugh

Being built closer to the ground should make it easier to pick-up the mini-man though. smiley - winkeye

And so it goes ...

Post 208

Mizzpinky *sighs* here we go again


funny you should say that

our answerphone message is me saying "hello can't be bothered to answer, but if you leave a message and you sound interesting I might phone you back"

Hubby came home from work the other evening, picked up a message and it was someone saying just as they were putting down the phone "god I feel sorry for the poor sod who's married to her" smiley - laughsmiley - rofl

Hubby said "now do you believe how bad I'm done by?"

And so it goes ...

Post 209

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

As if any hubby really needs a 2nd opinion, eh? smiley - rofl

I think I'm generally pretty goo, and don't put down the missus at all. In private or public. But sometimes my 'humour' may be taken wrong. What can ya do, eh?

And so it goes ...

Post 210

Mizzpinky *sighs* here we go again


And so it goes ...

Post 211

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

So, Littler lady, ... how's your Sunday getting along? I've a carpentry job that been put on hold whilst milady is at church. Sure hope she's taking to the right one "upstairs". smiley - laugh

And so it goes ...

Post 212

Mizzpinky *sighs* here we go again

smiley - biggrin I had to cook Sunday dinner (hubby normally takes care of Sundays) because hubby was so inconsiderate and decided to go to work to earn money !!!!!! smiley - biggrin

And so it goes ...

Post 213

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Oh, the nerve of him. smiley - crosssmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - rofl

My working day starts quite early, and has me home about an hour before the missus. So Monday's through Thursdays, I make the supper. She generally makes up with the week-ends. Mind you, if a roast anything is going to be done for Sunday, ... I might nudge her out of the kitchen. I love to make a 4, 5 or 6 part supper. smiley - drool

And so it goes ...

Post 214

Mizzpinky *sighs* here we go again

*grins* it's why hubby cooks on a Sunday coz I do the rest of the week

And so it goes ...

Post 215

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Did I mention that milady was a military cook when we met? With her extraordinary culinary skills, it IS in my better interest to cook during much of the week. I don't have to replace trousers as often. smiley - laugh

And so it goes ...

Post 216

Mizzpinky *sighs* here we go again

smiley - laughsmiley - rofl

And so it goes ...

Post 217

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

She is also extremely adept with many sharp implements of the kitchen variety. I have a WORLD of respect for her. smiley - smiley

NOTE: There may be a very fine line between respect and fear. smiley - rofl

And so it goes ...

Post 218

Mizzpinky *sighs* here we go again

smiley - biggrin ahh well, not to worry, or split hairs, unless of course she's going to do it smiley - laugh

And so it goes ...

Post 219

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

And she could.!!!

So whilst Im starting into a bank-holiday, and construction still going, but much slower, ... How's your new week going?

PS: I'm a sucker for piccy's of super-young-folks, having so much enjoyment of my own grands ... So if your mails ever incorporate a pic of the mini-man ... and a proud Mum and Dad. smiley - smiley

And so it goes ...

Post 220

Mizzpinky *sighs* here we go again

oh don't know if we've got one of all three of us together, one of us is normally taking the pic smiley - biggrin

But the week I think is going well

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