This is the Message Centre for Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 81


*Leaves the nasty girls to it*

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 82


Aww we're not nasty..just honest smiley - tongueout

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 83

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

You like nasty girls............admit it!!!smiley - evilgrin

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 84


Depends what you mean by nasty smiley - tongueout

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 85

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

What would you like nasty to mean.......?

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 86


I could take a wild guess smiley - erm

smiley - laugh

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 87


And you would probably be right Serephina! smiley - biggrin

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 88

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Tut, tut, Stuart! Bad Boy!!!

*slaps Stu's wrists*

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 89


*Gets excited*

smiley - laugh

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 90

Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon

*lifts up his rock, and walks out leaving Stu to the girls*

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 91


Officially the most painfull experience you can have are kidney stones that have moved into your uretha (the tube from your kidneys to your exit equipment).
It is supposed to be more painfull than childbirth.

Never having suffered with either I can't say which is worse personallysmiley - winkeye

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 92


you think a wee kidney stone hurts more than a baby? smiley - rofl my son was 9lb 5 oz, had a 35 cm head circumfrance and was 53 cm hate to think what the width of his shoulders were.. i take it youve seen an average vagina? smiley - winkeyeand a cervix is even narrower..

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 93


That's not what I think!!

As I said I have no experience of either so I can't comment on a personal basis...

It's what the medical proffesion think (or a lot of them anyway)smiley - winkeye

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 94


Most of them are men though the high positions anyway smiley - winkeye

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 95


That is true most of them are and lets face it no one can have anything bigger better or worse than us mensmiley - winkeye

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 96


Because you're complete babies who don't know the meaning of pain smiley - tongueout

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 97


Oh I wouldn't lump us all into that cattegory but as I can only comment on my own life's experience I would say that pain is one of those things that can be bearable at one time but not at others.

The level of pain is relative to what else is going on around you to distract you from it and what frame of mind you are in when it occurs.

Apart from that we are mostly babies who need looking aftersmiley - winkeye

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 98


remember that toothache Bed?

times by factor of 100 times 12 hours

and they give you morphine for kidney stones. We are told to breathe deeply and relax

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 99


12 hours? If you're lucky..I had closer to 30

Baby names - crunch time!

Post 100


I had a migrane in '99/00 over about a week between xmas and new year and that was porb'ly the most pain I've been in (I couldn't even open my eyes at one point)though it was a close call to the pain I was in after an opp' when I was a lad..

As to the pain of childbirth I couldn't comment!!

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