The House of Strange goings on, unexplicable unless you know exactly what it is that's going on....

Curious events at Chez Wolfpit.....The Lace Free Republic of front bedroom.

Shadowy figures stalk my fetid dreams, are they aliens intent upon world domination via telepathic mind control, or merely the turbulent memories of my sinister old maths teacher Mr Walker?

A curious turn of coincidence meant that I bought that small,squat ugly red brick house of Arthur Dent's in the hills above Wellington , Somerset. I also drove a grey Porche at one point. I don't live there now. I am the of my family ...
Despite that , maybe because of it,I have however lived in Finland, Wales, Scotland, Cornwall, France , England, Angola,Pakistan, Canada and Yemen,Romania though not all at the same time, and not neccesarily in that order. I speak English, Finnish, Russian,Swedish,French, Arabic, Romanian and even some Welsh, none of which are a bit of help when on Holiday in Spain or South America..well except for a bit around Devils island..
Currently domiciled in Bucharest, but thinking more and more about my house in France again where the sausages are better, the snow is more reliable and the sun seems to shine more often, even in the summer....Plus I miss my boys Still working in, let's call it Mining of sorts, to pay the bills, though haven't always, also writing for pleasure and to my suprise, from a few years ago, for profit too.
I'd like to help save more 's if I could.
If not at a keyboard I will be found on, in , under, throwing myself from, or holding a rock , or clinging white knuckled to a motorcycle on and off the road On wet dark nights, of which there are many I like cinema, but in common with others I strive pretty hard these days to find ones I truly like among the English speaking tosh and turn more and more to the rest of the World.

I grew up with Hitch Hikers and always wished for a fish, then I discovered
and realised that once you are drunk you rarely need one..
If everybody wore softer socks, the world would be a better placeā¦ though perhaps a bit more tiring for the laundrette. However don't forget

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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Wolfie? I know you're there ...... | Apr 10, 2006 |
Morning | Apr 10, 2006 |
They seek him here? | Mar 12, 2005 |
Are you sheep in a wolf's clothing? | Oct 4, 2004 |
Hi there! | Oct 4, 2004 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
The Last One To Post Here Wins | Apr 17, 2006 | Sep 9, 2024 |
Zendevil Terri aka Terri Stirling RIP 19th September, 2010. | No Posting | Sep 27, 2019 |
Update on the Prof... | No Posting | Oct 26, 2018 |
The Way It's Going (news from LadyP) | No Posting | Aug 15, 2017 |
Powder Keg | No Posting | Apr 22, 2015 |
wolfpit- the original loose unit..
Researcher U843197
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."