This is the Message Centre for wolfpit- the original loose unit..
Are you sheep in a wolf's clothing?
originalBillyBob Started conversation Sep 3, 2004
Hi Wolfie,
I have jostled with you at the Winning Post. I just wanted to say that was a mellow thing to write to Ivan The Terribly Average from a wolf. I suspect that your bark is worse than your bite. See you around, BB
Are you sheep in a wolf's clothing?
wolfpit- the original loose unit.. Posted Sep 4, 2004
Hmm, even wolves have their human side, *humbled*
Keeping up with the Jones' ......
originalBillyBob Posted Sep 19, 2004
Hi Wolfie,
What happened to the grey house in Somerset and the Porsche?
Keeping up with the Jones' ......
wolfpit- the original loose unit.. Posted Sep 19, 2004
The grey house in Somerset was swapped for a buff stone one on the beach in Wales and the Porche for a TVR ..
besides I owe you a Chinese burn..
Meanwhile, back at the house of overlooking the sea in Wales with the TVR parked outside .....
originalBillyBob Posted Oct 4, 2004
I hope that I'm let off the Chinese Burn (capital 'C',capital 'B') now that I have come to your defence re: Wayne and his World!
And that story I told about the judo was absolutely true and I appreciate the back-up, Wolfie
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Are you sheep in a wolf's clothing?
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