This is the Message Centre for Wembra

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm one of the <./>aces</.> here, popping 'round to help you get settled. Take your time reviewing Feisor's list of Hints and Links at A719840, as well as examining the various features in the process. Among other obvious items you'll find the assortment of <./>smileys</.> and our newspaper <./>thepost</.>. You'll discover alot more though!

In fact have a good look at the numerous links in/on The h2g2 Post's Links Page(further down the list). Just a few of the many items you'll find there are the Researchers' smiley - earthMap at A5076614, the Regional Researchers' Map at A660313 and the Personal Space Workshop at A1123354.

Feel free to leave me a message if you have any questions. Simply use the 'Reply' button and I'll try to respond promptly, alright. smiley - cheers

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 2


Sorry to bother yousmiley - erm but I just wondered, can you put smileys in your all about me or in your journal? I tried but it didn't work.
From Wembrasmiley - smiley

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 3

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Not a problem...if you click on my name(or nickname)you'll see that I've used quite a few on my page-and in my journal. So there shouldn't be a problem. Just click on the 'Edit Page' button and then the 'Update Introduction' button. But let me know how that's coming along for you and I'll try to see where the difficulty lies, alright.smiley - smiley

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 4


Thank yousmiley - smiley

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 5

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh you're welcome, we're here to help!smiley - smiley

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 6


Hey Jaz'd.

Not to be nosy or anything, I'm just curious, but what does h2g2 actually stand for?

Your's puzzled
Wembra smiley - smiley

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 7

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh not a problem, Hitchikers(2 h's)Guide to The Galaxy(2 g's). smiley - smiley

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 8


Cool, Thanks.
I had presumed it had something to do with that but I couldn't piece it together.
Thanks Again smiley - biggrin

Wembra smiley - smiley

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 9

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh you're most welcome Christina(right?)smiley - smiley

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 10


Yeah, that's me, although someone on the forum spells it Cristina thats the right way.
What about you.

Christina smiley - smiley

P.S. Do you like smiley - choc I'm guessing you do from your name. I love smiley - choc Especially galaxy.

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 11

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - smiley My name's Darrell Christina, good to 'meet' you! Yes I like smiley - choc very much...and I believe I've had a galaxy bar-I'm over in Canada, you see.

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 12


So your Darrell. Cool smiley - smiley
And you live in Canada! Thats awesome. My 2nd cousin lives in Toronto (I think smiley - erm)
Is the smiley - choc is different there then than here in England?

I've been to America and they didn't have a clue what malteasers were!
Do you smiley - erm

Christina smiley - smiley

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 13

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Yeah I've heard smiley - chocis a bit different Christina. I have had some that was imported from The U.K. though & I like alot of the European smiley - choc, from Germany & Poland. But Green & Blacks is quite good too, they're based in The U.K. smiley - smiley Oh yeah I've eaten enough Malteasers to sink a barge! smiley - rofl

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 14


Me too, I "borrow" the malteasers my parents buy and there usually isn't any left by the time I go to bed.

Do they put some kind of stuff in smiley - choc that makes you want to eat more? And my Mum has stopped eating it... More for me smiley - biggrin

Christina smiley - smiley

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 15

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh it would seem so Christina, I certainly tend to eat more anyway!smiley - winkeye More smiley - choc is definitely a good thing!smiley - ok Can I send/post a couple links to smiley - choc websites(some of the smiley - choc I buy/eat)?smiley - smiley What I mean is can you access them?

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 16


I think so.
Also, A thought just struck me like lightning smiley - smiley What time is it over there? It's 8 P.M. here and pitch black smiley - sadface And I've got homework to do smiley - wah

Christina smiley - smiley

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 17

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - yikesLike lightening...didn't injure you luv?smiley - winkeye Time is just after 1pm, I'm in western Canada so there's a 7 hour time diff. But & ...oh & http://www.truffini.comsmiley - smiley

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 18


Wow, especially to the chocolate shaped turkey *gobble gobble*

I had chocolate shaped like a chicken once but it melted and I was only like 6 and I was upset.

Christina smiley - smiley

P.S. Thanks for the websites smiley - biggrin Have you checked out Neopets, it's really cool smiley - smiley

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 19

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Purdy's do make some good smiley - choc & nice items like that turkey and their Hedgehogs...ooh & a very good raspberry jelly bar. I also like - I see they're working on it just now!

smiley - erm Yeah smiley - chocmelting would upset a child, it even upsets me!

Oh you're quite welcome Christinasmiley - huggood to talk to another smiley - choclover!

ace's welcome Wembra!

Post 20


Do you like crisps smiley - erm

Christina smiley - smiley

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