This is the Message Centre for PollyandCass
ACE's greeting ladies!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Started conversation Jul 28, 2004
I'm just popping in to offer you a warm welcome, as 1 of the <./>ACEs</.> here. Since you are quite new you should check out the 'I am new, what do I do now?' page - not that I assume you're clueless or anything...quite the contrary! Also, there's another welcome awaiting you on the 'Welcome page'@ A53146 ...& you might want to hop a ...any
really, to take the <./>dontpanictour</.> ...just in case.
The bus there is just 1 of the many many smileys here. You'll find the complete categorized list@ A155909 . It gives very simple basic instructions for using/creating each one. And it's always there to refer back to...I believe you can even print it out. You might want to <./>askh2g2</.> about that, that'll pose a question to the community at large, so you're likely to get a number of responses.
In any case, I must along right now, but I will get back to you when I can, ok. Bye for now! *waves*
ACE's greeting ladies!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Jul 28, 2004
A couple other things you'll probably want to know about, are (1) the numerous Clubs & Societies here - those're divided into categories & listed@ A660340 , and of course(2)<./>thepost</.> our weekly newspaper here - there's usually a bit of interestin' readin' there.
But I'll be poppin' back with as time (& my handlers) permit bye for now!
ACE's greeting ladies!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Jul 29, 2004
Something I neglected to mention is the whole aspect of modifying your page. Not that you need to add more character to your page, but if you should ever want to change it a bit from time to time you can look@'spicing up your page'( A690518 ). There's also the 'picture gallery'@ A692741 & depending on your computer capabilities 'the GuideML clinic'@ A187229 .
Some of my ACE colleagues have compiled lists of links designed to assist members like yourselves. You'll find Seraphina's Links@ A1919937 , Shea's List is@ A534953 , Rocketman's Links are@ A725500, & Feisor's List Of Links can be found@ A719840 . Feisor wisely suggests getting out & meeting've got a few options there. Have a look through some of the Clubs & Societies I mentioned in my last post. You're sure to find an appropriate spot (or 2...or 3) to start meeting people. Or if you just want to take your time getting used to the place, I'm always here to talk to when you're ready to start a conversation. Feel free to click on the 'Reply' button below to drop me a note....whenever.
But, go over all those links & have a good look around - if you spot something interesting don't hesitate to join in, we're essentially a friendly & accepting bunch. And like I said feel free to get in touch with me ok...or any of the ACEs if you need help with anything. Bye for now...hope to see you around (so to speak) eventually.*waves*
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ACE's greeting ladies!
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