
So here i am, Miss Fanny Watkins, just some rudimentary knowledge about myself; i am a student in the south wales area, i am studying religion and philosophy and should be doing an assignment on Schopenhauer right now, but that can wait. the things that i do are usually easy to do, with minimal effort, and mostly include sitting. having said that, i can be energetic, boasting immaturity. my real love in this life is the outdoors, though i don't go there often enough, filling my lungs with fresh air, and feeling the wind press my face give me a peace i don't find anywhere else. and i like peace. i also like to cook, i like the satisfaction of being able to create and destroy in just a few hours. i smoke, i am a vegetarian (as of tomorrow, i decided not to eat animals anymore aside from a roast turkey which I'm going to cook tonight as my last meat dish). and because i find talking about myself a strain i am going to stop.

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Welcome from your ACE! Mar 20, 2007


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what are your views? Mar 19, 2007 Apr 13, 2008
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