A Conversation for Astral Projection

what are your views?

Post 1


I fully accept the concept of Astral projecting, though i have never been able to project myself. In fact i believe that there is evidence that can support the belief, but that's not what i want to go into, i was just curious about the idea of the self, in your view what part of the self is it that projects, can your views in anyway correlate to religious beliefs? would it be a soul or just an awareness? is this liked to the idea of the subtle body?

what are your views?

Post 2

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

In my opinion, it is just the awareness... not the whole soul (although I do believe in a soul.)
As far as I understand the concept of the subtle body, yes, that's it...


what are your views?

Post 3


I'm currently looking at energy body work and meditation from Robert Bruce's books. So atm, I'm not certain whether it's my consciousness, or a copy of it that travels beyond the body.

I'm very interested to find out though and hope to work on this gradually throughout the year, so I will be back to share my experience.

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