Journal Entries

Thanks everyone!

I just wanted to say thank you to all of you, while most of us are still here on the site. You've been a wonderful group of people and I have learnt such a lot from reading your stories and from your reviews. It has given me much more confidence in my writing.

Also it is sometimes very enheartening just to swap anecdotes and have a laugh.

Also thanks to those who are putting up such a good fight to save the GW site (such as PenJen).

Lots of love to you all, and good luck with all your future ventures.

smiley - goodluck

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Latest reply: Feb 19, 2005


Are you interested in taking part in a new writing challenge? To write the first two paragraphs of a story, based on one of four titles:

A New Beginning
The Strangers
Path to Friendship
Crescent Moon

The deadline is 10th January.

Please post A numbers in the thread of the 'First 2 Para's Group'.

The idea behind the group/challenge is to play around story openings, exchange ideas on how to make them more interesting, and to feel inspired for future projects.

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Latest reply: Jan 8, 2005

First 2 Para's Group

Happy New Year everyone!
Hope you had a good one.

I have started a group to help with writing the start of a novel/short story - based on an idea from Spiderbaby and Tom Hobbit.

It is to write the first two paragraphs of a novel as a challenge - using one of four given titles.

Titles will be given at the beginning of every month, and A numbers of entries should be posted by the 10th of each month. Crits and votes by the 15th. Then the rest of the month for freestyle story openings and discussions.

We could also start a thread to help each other with synopsis writing etc.

I would be really pleased if people were interested in joining. I think we should make the most of the last 3 months of GW, and leave inspired for our next writing project.

Also, is anyone interested in being a joint owner? I would like the group to be run like a round table - everyone here to help each other.

Love, Fats (and Fatter since Christmas)X

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Latest reply: Jan 1, 2005

Diary 4

Have been unable to get online for a while. Broken small plastic part while hoovering. Also big textile design deadline.

Hope everyone is ok and that everything creative is blossoming.

This morning there was freezing mist down in the river valley. I drove up the hill to take my son to school and suddenly the sun was shining. Decided to drive back down the steepest hill - there was a wonderful moment looking down upon a white rug of mist lying down in the valley.

The rounded folds of the hillside seemed somehow prehistoric, they reminded me of a Samual Palmer painting, or of that painting by Paul Nash - "Landscape of the Moon's Last Phase". In these paintings the ground seems to radiate the essence of the earth.

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Latest reply: Oct 1, 2004

Diary, 3

Today we planted an apple tree,
In squelchy mud up to my knee.
The sky was thundrous, grey and black
As we shovelled manure with bended back.
Bottled beer, warm hands and a cold nose.
Jokes are shared and humour grows.

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Latest reply: Sep 19, 2004

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the fat gardener

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