This is a Journal entry by the fat gardener

First 2 Para's Group

Post 1

the fat gardener

Happy New Year everyone!
Hope you had a good one.

I have started a group to help with writing the start of a novel/short story - based on an idea from Spiderbaby and Tom Hobbit.

It is to write the first two paragraphs of a novel as a challenge - using one of four given titles.

Titles will be given at the beginning of every month, and A numbers of entries should be posted by the 10th of each month. Crits and votes by the 15th. Then the rest of the month for freestyle story openings and discussions.

We could also start a thread to help each other with synopsis writing etc.

I would be really pleased if people were interested in joining. I think we should make the most of the last 3 months of GW, and leave inspired for our next writing project.

Also, is anyone interested in being a joint owner? I would like the group to be run like a round table - everyone here to help each other.

Love, Fats (and Fatter since Christmas)X

First 2 Para's Group

Post 2


Hey Fats,

I remember you chatting of this about 6 weeks ago and I do think it is a great idea. The thing is I don't write 'fiction', well except for Spidey's wee challenges and even at that I find them hard going.
But this sounds exciting and I will have a serious think on it as may like to attemppt something new. Unfortunatelyy my time will be minised severely from about Feb as I will have so much more going on, BUT do keep me posted and I will be keeping an eye out with this. Best of luck with it too and I hope people will rise and become active in this challenge.

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - ok

And Fats - you were only a size 8 to start with missus! smiley - laugh

First 2 Para's Group

Post 3


KNEW I should not have had that third bottle of beer for fear of the typos drool... Ach well, mine's a Carlsberg... smiley - ale

First 2 Para's Group

Post 4

the fat gardener

Dear PenJen,

Carlsberg - I was always told that was the best lager to drink, as pubs don't put any slops in it because of the colour!

If you don't feel the groups right for you then feel free to drop in and chat/give ideas - I'm sure you've got so much to give.

Good luck with all your stuff in February.

smiley - cheersMine's usually a Guinness, or a whisky, or a lager, or a bitter, or a sherry, or a port, or a red wine, or a cider, or a Calvados, or a Armagnac, or sloe gin...

First 2 Para's Group

Post 5


NOW you're making me thirsty!

And I will be keeping a close eye, PROMISE.
Best of luck with it.

Jen smiley - hugsmiley - goodlucksmiley - stout (for me - you've had enough! smiley - winkeye)

First 2 Para's Group

Post 6

the fat gardener

Many thanks PenJen!

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