This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

Go for Gold

Post 41

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Thanks for the long ramble. Doesn't sound inspiring at all working with no security, ie a quota to meet or you leave. Not the best way to get people to work well, or for them to be sensitive to their clients. I thought this type of agency was supposed to be there to help people.

Got slightly pissed on red wine as I was pissed off today. Was at home with Stanley, hope he didn't mind. I played loud rock music in the kitchen as I cooked tea. He came and joined me for some outrageous dancing.

Have been having fun with the 60 word challenge. Did read yours and was tired and still pissed, so was confused - no fault of your story.

There are some really good ones there. I did think that the challenge maybe gave you practice at novel starting paragraphs. Also it has taught me how to spell 'challenge', have been spelling it 'challange' for 38 years!

Must go to bed now. Good luck with everything.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - oksmiley - cakesmiley - teasmiley - run

Go for Gold

Post 42


I can only say all power to you FG, Respect is the corner stone of relationships, and yah just makin sure you get your share..right on and take no manure. Maybe he is not happy with himself and deflecting it to you fats so he doesn't have to look at himselfsmiley - erm Common trait in people that lack self confidence...don't let him drag you there as well. I have to flee now FG as I am off to my placement. BTW this site is very frustrating there are currently no smileys as I am posting this...a kidnapping of smilies fats...better get on to it...All the very best with things Serin

Go for Gold

Post 43

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Have a good day at the grindstone.

I really think I might have done it for our relationship though. It could be the end. I've been driving towards it for a while. Too upset all the time and so given to moaning. Better to tell it as it is.

Might be a tricky time ahead.

I still have smileys this end - perhaps they've taken them off your end for improvement - upside down smileys, writing smileys, kangaroos etc.

smiley - winkeyesmiley - sadfaceme.

Go for Gold

Post 44


As you say Fat's my motto is like yours life is too short to be unhappy for prolonged periods. Is there are chance of getting any marraige counselling, you both have to be willing to give it a go though. Look if things are ending I hope you can try and do it as less painful as possible..if yah want to chat at anytime just get on this thread Fats and I will try to get back. Your time 9am and 11pm is about the times I am around, if you want to speak to me..well old bean, I am staring at computers more in the office so my eyes are weary, so I am not going to be on here much longer tonightsmiley - hugAll the very best with it all, and don't forget try to have some good support systems around you that you can rely on.smiley - hugsmiley - oksmiley - cheerupSerin

Go for Gold

Post 45

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Thanks for that. It was the worst argument we've ever had - in about 13 years! Things are ok today. I have been cross about a few things for a while - but managed to tell him about them, albeit in an argument.

I think I was feeling extra stressed about finances recently and that made things worse. But hope to find a part-time job soon, and carry on with the designing.

The lull after the storm. Did lots of physical work today - always makes me feel happy and calm. Cleaned out rabbits, washed the "gravy" sofa covers, washed floors, cleaned bathrooms, washed cupboard doors, swept up leaves outside in the rain, and put them in our leaf mould bunker. I quite like rain if it's not too heavy.

I think some kind of counselling would be good but I can't get Mrs FG there (I've asked in the past). Also I'm a bit wary - 2 friends went to marriage guidance councelling and it established that they should be apart. I think you have to be prepared for change.

Talking about networks, I do have some lovely friends but I'm not very good at keeping in touch and rarely come out with all I'm feeling.

I'm trying to make the future a little more secure work wise, and either I hope this will cheer Mrs FG up, or it will give me more options.

I wouldn't mind downsizing where we live and being the main breadwinner. But Mrs FG doesn't want to downsize, though he resents being the main breadwinner. I can only earn half what he earns. But I don't care. I wouldn't mind a simpler life. I just don't want both of us to work full time in jobs in industry while Stanley is this young. I don't want him to have to go to before school and after school care every day. But if I manage to train to be a teacher then my main working day will not be quite as long, and holidays will coincide. Though I know teachers often end up working at home after 8pm, once their children are in bed.

I know most of the parents in the world are out there juggling the same issues.

Hope your placement is going ok. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate.

Have been sucked into staying on Get Writing too long every night. Looking at the 60 word challenge etc. Lots of really good entries. Haven't finished my chapter for Richard and Judy comp. Hope to polish it off in next day or so, plus synopsis - or it won't happen.

Most of my writing has been semi-autobiographical. But in the future I would love to spend time thinking out the plot to a romantic/nature novel then using very descriptive language. I had also thought about putting descriptive passages together to form snapshots from a fictitious life, possibly of someone sinking into homelessness.

Every day's a poem
That doesn't always rhyme
Thoughts about the world
Put succinctly in our minds.
Does it all make sense,
The war situation?
How does our life add up
In the final equation?

Speak to you soon,

smiley - oksmiley - cheerupsmiley - hug Fats.

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