This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

Go for Gold

Post 21

the fat gardener

Have a good....?
smiley - erm

Go for Gold

Post 22

the fat gardener

Dear Serin, please read post 20, this is just waffling. Have you heard the Tom Waits song..."There's nothing like a campfire and a can of bean." It sort of goes with your poetic views on getting out of the rat race.

Go for Gold

Post 23


Hi Fats, I have got my interview for my placement this morning so I really should be getting ready..just two more minutes on the threads..I keep tellin myselfsmiley - erm I am going to a job agency..not my choice..only a few got that luxury..lot of politics really has a pattern of having faves..mainly those who do the lip service on the botty typessmiley - laugh Still trying to be positive about it. It's a bloody long time to be workin for no money though fats..Btw just a word to the wise there are people on this site that have mutiple names registered..and play a few games with up to you fats but I would watch what you put in your diary unfortuneatly it could make you a bit of a target... as it goes to anyone who has you on their friends list..maybe thats ok but just to give you a bit more of a picture...I recommend keepin an eye on newcomers in newbies can often give you a hint of who these people are..not easy but a little bit of self preservation...I bloody hate politics..but for warned is for armed fats... this is not to deter you talking about feelings I think that we should be able to..however maybe just a change of forums fats...up to you..and I hope we have built up enough rapport for me to be able to give you this word to the it has been passed to me from somebody in the same way..also the mods say we should do this sort of thing in the rules let the community know of this sort of hope that all makes sense..cheers for now my dear portly potter..I like the fact that you are not one to hold back with the feelings it shows a really gutsy side of you FG and I admire it...btw my graduation will see me as qualified community and welfare worker...smiley - ok

Go for Gold

Post 24

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Thanks, it all sounds a bit scarey. I suppose if it got upsetting at all I'd just quit. My new diary entry - what crap - I'll never be a poet - just stuck something light-hearted up quick while I take stock.

I suppose different names registered might be some people's idea of fun - ie roleplaying different characters. I did actually wonder what it would have been like choosing a feminine flirtatious name - could have been fun during the late night rambling bus journeys. Lots of women seem to choose masculine sounding names - is this to feel more secure, or more sexless, less labelled? Also lots of peoples names seem to put themselves down - Fat Gardener, Old Village Idiot etc. Do we choose to portray the least attractive facet of our personality as a joke. Or is it to escape the burden of real-life image expectations?

Cheers smiley - cheers Fats.

P.S. Is your job like being a social worker?

Go for Gold

Post 25

the fat gardener

Hope your interview went well Serin. Hope the job has nice people. Think you posted and ran just as I logged on.

smiley - oksmiley - biggrin

Go for Gold

Post 26


smiley - okYeah it was not my intention to freak yah out..I think you know that fats..however this person has a few different handles and I think likes to play mind games..I have told them how I think about it as people can build up quiet a rapport on this site, maybe more than some others, purely I think, because works such as poetry can bring out feelings..and somebody who critiques stuff can have the power to build up in one name and strip down in yah know give advice in one name and contradict it in another.. I suppose such people get off on it..but I think really they underestimate the damage it could do to someone who is feeling fragile..and we all have those moments in life.
Plus I think it is bad practise to do it in areas such as the newbies..still I think certain people just like to play chicken with the mods..anyway on to more pleasant matters...I really liked your apple tree verse..I'm just not getting the bad writer vibe yah puttin on yourself FG..I read your poem to my partner..who is a tell it like it is sort of a person like me..they liked that's two of us Fats..two fans er do we get any freebies fatssmiley - laughI reckon you might have to put something on the poets review section fg..really it is not that scary and all the people I have had have given constructive advice. Your stuff is simple sublime slices of life and I love it for that... And in answer to your question yes it is like a social worker..I went for my interview today and the woman who is the boss is fine but the fella I am working with..was a 2nd year student last year in my course and may be a bit tricky..yah know the jury is out..he has only been in the job since April..could be a tad cocky..but the woman seem to be able to handle him and I'm sure I will..well the dinner bell is ringing for me(the microwave) so I'm orf to put the nose bag on Fg catch yah later and please don't mention pullin up yah roots and leavin at any stage...I'd miss yah heaps..Serin ps. root in oz means shaggin..can you believe it???smiley - laugh

Go for Gold

Post 27

the fat gardener

Mornin' Serin smiley - smiley

Hope your job isn't too stressful. I've worked in a job where the boss kept trying to give me new things to do and my immediate superior resented it and tried to make things difficult. I found it really hard to cope with because I couldn't bring myself to directly complain. When I tried to mention it tactfully it sounded like I was saying the workload was too much.

Until we moved I was working a day a week for an agency that supplied contact supervisors for the Council Social Services. I was being an escort for children in care when they saw their parents. I didn't have any specific training and had to be responsible at all times. Sometimes I felt for the parents as the whole system kept breaking down - ie contact workers not turning up, parents not being told if the contact session had been cancelled. Lots of times parents were upset and shouting - I just listened and took note of their genuine complaints, letting their anger go over my head.

The Fat Mother-in-law was here last night - she baked us a few fairy cakes - wish I could send you some! Really nice with a cup of coffee for breakfast.

We've all got bad colds here, and Stanley might have impetigo - off to the doctors at 10am. Stanley off school so I can't get much work done.

Watched "Shaun of the Dead" last night - sick and bloody but funny. Handsome men seem to be playing anti-heroes in films at the moment. And all the heroes are loveable dorks. As in "School of Rock" as well, with the beautiful but horrible female flatmate.

Maybe sexual rooting is like taking root in Mother Earth. smiley - erm

Beautiful sunshine here. Have a good day.

smiley - biggrin Fats.

Go for Gold

Post 28


Hi Fg thanks for the long message. I hope that Stanley gets on the mend soon..what is impetigo I remember mum mentioning it when we were kids in England but don't seem to recall it in 0z..anyway I hope the little possum gets well soon. We have had a lovely day here my deck chair out in the garden and sad and read a book of short travel stories..pretty darn good..caught a magpie in my chook shed and kept it entrapped for 5 hours to try and repel it from doing the same has been knocking off the duck and chicken eggs. I wish we had rellies who baked. I ccok a great chocky cake that is made with almonds not flour. My sister lives close by but her and her husband seem to be consumed by work I reckon you have to have the priorities right with that one you know live to work or work to live stuff.. Your partime job sounded a lot of drama but as you say fats if you have the personality to cope then it's not so bad. A lot of the things goverment put into place for families is just outrageously complicated and flawed when put into the practical...I wonder why they don't do the research first..It has been a perfect day today here in 0Z however they are forcasting a storm overnight so have had to move me goats back...I think movin is gettin on their goat..smiley - erm the weather has been so topsy turvy..well on that not Fats I'll be off chat to you soon and thanks for spending time..Serinsmiley - oksmiley - cheerupFor little Stanley

Go for Gold

Post 29


Is everything Ok Fats? Just know you have not been around much, and that Stanley was sick, got me a bit concerned. Hope all is well. I'm finished with hols on Monday and doing my eight weeks placement at a job agency..bought some great clothes today dead cheap as well as the woman was getting rid of her bloomin tastic. I hope to hear from you soon fats, all my best wishes to you and little Stanleysmiley - hugSerin

Go for Gold

Post 30


Hi me well missed potty portly potter. Glad Stanley is better. And you say you have not got a poem in you, this discription is just the stuff of poems fats! Where I live has similar areas that you describe, you expect to see a dinosaur roaming through the crater of a volcano that has been dormant for thousands of years, I wish we could swap photos fats, as I do miss English countryside sometimes, however this area I live in I am told, is like Ireland. I have not been to Ireland. I have started a story, too early to talk about but It is a lovely past time, if it never gets anywhere I am already grateful to it for the self indulgent fun I am having. It is breakfast time here, I am doing the spring clean of the wardrobe today getting out the corporate remnants I have for my office work 8 weeks, gotta be strong about chucking stuff out. Well I am so glad to have caught you, I am missing everybody latelysmiley - hugsmiley - okHave a good Saturday Fats Serinsmiley - dog

Go for Gold

Post 31

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Thanks for your lovely messages. Stanley is fine now. He did have impetigo and was off school for over a week. It's a skin infection that looks like a cold sore, but can spread everywhere. Luckily his was only in a small area, but on his face. He was on oral antibiotics and had cream to apply as well. He coped with it all really well.

Sorry not to have replied earlier but have not been online for a while, but sorted now. Also have been working till after 12pm every night to get some designs done. They are on their way to USA now.

Hope your work placement is going ok? Are you enjoying it?

smiley - oksmiley - cheerup

Go for Gold

Post 32

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

You replied to me before I replied to you. You are Mrs Speedy.

Sounds brilliant that you are writing something creative that you can get your teeth into. Good luck.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - oksmiley - run

Go for Gold

Post 33


Looks like we got our trellises crossed Fatssmiley - biggrin I don't start till Monday. I must admit it will be a shock to the system..very straight office. I am used to classroom in jeans. Still I like a contrast. I do hope the fella I am with turns out for the best. He was a student last year and has a reputation of having a bit of "tude", still I'll give him a chance, he gives me one. I would love to see your textiles, if you were over here you could do a lot of the markets we do. Well are you doing anything on Saturday or just having a take it as it comes day? I am glad you are on air again fats Cheers for now Serin.smiley - cheerupsmiley - hugsmiley - smiley

Go for Gold

Post 34

the fat gardener

Hi Serin,

This weekend is a family invasion - parents, brother and wife, long-lost stepbrother and wife...I'm cooking curry for everyone tomorrow, thought it would be more fun than quiches and crisps etc.

Good luck on Monday, hope you enjoy it.

Would love also to swap photo's, meet your goats, see how beautiful and wild it is where you are.

It's a shame we can't post photo's, not of ourselves, but of locations, pets, plants, our creative work etc.

Must go to bed now...

smiley - hug

Go for Gold

Post 35


Gawd I have not seen family for neice came over this week and sounds like my sister and brother in law are all work no play..or just not playin with me at the moment. Mind you fats since I discovered this site my phone is engaged only have the one line you see. And that has kind of isolated me. Maybe I need to go to get writing annoynmoussmiley - smiley Well have pleasant dreams of exotic places and lovely gardens Fats bye for now Serin. Ps. partner making Jamie Oliver pancakes for breakfats Yum Yumsmiley - tongueout

Go for Gold

Post 36

the fat gardener

Yum pancakes - your partner sounds ace - is he lovely?

Go for Gold

Post 37


Yeah yah know now that yah mention it he is pretty good, fats. He is arty farty and that always gives a feminine side to most fellas I think. He has always seemed to prefer the company of women and talks to women as equals, something I always sought from a partner when I was dating, unfortuneatly not many of the Aussie men have that talent, mind you I must admit I found quiet a few English ones that were lacking it too. Now if I meet a boy or a young man with the natural gift of conversation with a woman as an equal I alway make sure I try and compliment them..sadly I still think they are a rare flower in the garden of life fats..hope you are well..and what have yah been up to fats..done anymore writing..I am working on a bit of an idea and really likeing it. I wish you would have a go at putting a poem together fats I truly think you have a natural talent..well best go now as I have verbal diarreohasmiley - laughLUV Serinsmiley - oksmiley - hug

Go for Gold

Post 38


smiley - cakesmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - cakesmiley - bubbly

Flower In the Garden of Life
smiley - rose

(nearly as nauseating sounding as a Hallmark card Fats that message hey) but I really mean it...Have a great year lots of lovely new adventures..Yah deserve it Luv Serin

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblyWish I could knock back a few with yah you knowsmiley - hug

Go for Gold

Post 39

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Thanks for your birthday message - I have had 2 days of red wine, beer, toffee and cake. Wish I could join you for a cold beer and a chin wag under the stars.

My birthday resolution is to take more care of myself - ie fruit for breakfast, drink more water and try to find some kind of exercise class such as dancing. Not a pretty site - the wibbly,wobbly asthmatic dancer! I would love to do Jazz or South American.

Been busy designing and then getting the room ready for my parents to stay in - putting up a curtain pole, filling, sanding and painting. I always seem to have 60 things to do. Have my birthday trees to plant. Have been researching Black Mulberries on the internet for the best location.

In November I am doing a project in a Junior School, during their activities week - probably something to do with wallpaper borders. This is voluntary work, but will give me a taste of teaching at Primary level. Looking forward to this very much. Have also filled in a new Police check form so that I can do regular volunteer work at my son's school, listening to children read.

I have to earn some money in the mean time - have just done a batch of design work but may not sell any. I'm hoping to find something interesting to do part time, while keeping up designing.

Although I'm interested in training to be a teacher, the decision is mainly for financial security in a job that will give me the same holidays as Stanley. But I really enjoy designing and am in 2 minds about giving it up. I think I ought to make a start and see how I enjoy it.

How is your job going? I hope the people are nice to work with, including the young bloke you were worried about.

I haven't done any writing - how is yours going?

smiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - cheerssmiley - bubbly Fats.

Go for Gold

Post 40


Hi FG, I am very tired as the pup (who is now 10 months) woke me up to go to out for a wee at 6 am on a Saturday morning! He is so good I can't deny him. That plus what do you do? We would have to be cleaning it up. Yeah I know how you mean with lots of things to do. We have owned our property since 1997 but have been steadily renovating since then and up unil 3 years ago renting in the city. The city is 3 hours away. Anyway we have been here for 3 years and there still is a fair amount to do. Plus we have 2 acres which takes a bit of upkeep. The old fella that lived in the back used to keep a couple of cows and then put them on our land. Now he has left and the grass is growing fast, our two goats have been tethered out and are creating circles of bauld patches. I think regards your business versus primary school teaching you are in a similar perplextion as myself. We have our own business but there is a long down period since we moved, as really only summer and some autumn season. Take today there is a music festival near us today but the weather looks threatening, plus the country is voting today.. and the market has been moved to a less central area because of the festival. So many new dimensions to wonder about. So we have decided not to do it. So we are still not sure if we should have done the craft market but is such a punt all the time when you have your own business. Where I am working is a job agency who has the contract with the government to put unemployed people through the mill of work for the dole and numerous interviews, and if the person does not comply they lose some of, or all of their salary. I fundamentally don't agree with how the government blames people about being unemployed, when clearly there are places like here where there are few opportunities for work particularly if you are not in the know. But then the worse thing that I have found out about this week from Mark the guy who has been a worker since February, is that when someone leaves he informs me that there is a lot of structural in fighting. More so he explained to my horror, that if you do not get 9 placements in jobs a month for a three month period then you are asked to wonder the pay is on par with the city, a lot of people when I got this placement said the pay is good (not that I am currently getting anything as it is part of my study requirement), It really is only what you'd expect to get in the city. Which is a rarity in this place as it can be appallingly low...Mark the fella who told me this and is the guy who is my chaperone, finished his qualifications last year, and has the same qualifications as I will have. Mark tells me at the end of the month the tension builds up if the job vacancies have been low. So I am now counting down the weeks.. 7 to gosmiley - erm So FG, in my opinion there is a lot of ups and downs (financially mainly)but there is a lot to be said about not having to deal with a lot of the day to day political bull sh*t of modern day work force..according to most people in these organisations there really is not much chance of not getting embroiled in the politics. Still I did try to get my placement in a primary school, but I think the bloody teacher was not into me going because I have no kids..yet she has put a woman there who has the patience of a newtsmiley - laugh Well I think the excercise sounds the ticket the art is to keep it up..the weather does a bit of trickery with your motivation..I am trying to take the dog for at least a 2klm walk however if the weather is grim he does not get a look in. Well Fats I have been doing a real good good luck with your teaching plans..the way I am doing it is putting out feelers for other work (really only want partime) and also still hoping to do weekend small business stuff. Well we shall see how it goes heysmiley - ok I am about to read some 60 word challenges. I wrote mine last night and posted, people got slightly confused so I have re written the last two sentences..Please could you let me know if you can make sense of it. And I will look at yours and give my opinionsmiley - ok I may look at writing another one it is not that easy hey..but a great little challenge. Cheers FG have a good weekend on your property with little Stanley.smiley - cheerupsmiley - hugsmiley - oksmiley - cheerssmiley - biggrin Serin

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