This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

Go for Gold

Post 1


Good mornin by dear portly potter..I have a sniff of gold in the air and have posted a challenge on the Olympic thread..maybe you are up to it... I think Roy is in with a chance..smiley - ok

Go for Gold

Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Sorry, haven't checked out the Olympic thread yet - have been busy entertaining and have been away.

Still raining here in England. I envy you having sea and sunshine. I've never been to Oz or NZ. Have a friend, Cathy in Auckland - may get to see her one day. Have another close friend who has moved to SA, she is just about to have a baby, on her own.

I'd like to move West one day, to Cornwall, though Mrs Fat Gardener doesn't want to. I'd like to bring my son up near the sea, with surfing and fresh air.

Keep energetic and poetic.

smiley - ok Fats smiley - biggrin

Go for Gold

Post 3


No worries (very oz saying fats) I was just craving your particular style of humour..But I know how it goes life is pretty hectic for me at present..funny you should call me energetic..that is something my fellow students say of me very perceptive of you FG well still got more academic work to do nearly over...Serinsmiley - ok

Go for Gold

Post 4


How is yah fats...still tryin to poison yah mates with bodgy cheese??? I've got a workshop discussing suicide this morning so was touting the threads for some light relief...smiley - ermer so to speaksmiley - biggrinSo just thought I'd pop by and say G'day not a lot to add really so er carry on then..Cheers Serin

Go for Gold

Post 5

the fat gardener

Dear Serin smiley - biggrin

I've just got in - bought a 2nd hand car in London today - been for mussels at a friends, then drove home. Something wrong with the indicators.

Good luck with your studies.

Hope your workshop wasn't too harrowing. You have a busy and interesting life!

Must disappear for now. Maybe back later.

smiley - runsmiley - ok

Go for Gold

Post 6


You don't sound like a slouch your self FG in the interesting life stakes..what sort of car did you buy?? I had an accident after getting my drivers licence and then have not driven since..that and my usually easy going partner was a dreadful passenger when I first started driving(due to a few accidents as a teenager) I have to get back in the saddle as I live 10 mins out of town and being rural it has not got any transport so I am reliant on somebody giving me a lift which is a bit restricting..lucky I love dagging around(very oz saying meaning lazing around) our 2acre holidays soon so will start planting veges then..have lots of lettuce at present cos type and crinkly type..I want to put some basil in but think even though we are currently having warm weather it was 20c today which is excellent for is a bit too early..the workshop was a bit confronting initially but the woman running it did it well so it was fine..cheers for now FG Serinsmiley - smiley

Go for Gold

Post 7

the fat gardener

Dear Serin

Thanks for the message - sorry to be off-line quite a bit at the moment. Nice to hear from you though.

I bought a 1994 Peugeot 306 - it has only done 64,000 miles, and apart from the indicators seems in good nick.

I too am a bit of a nervous driver. I only passed my test in 1995, and then in 2000 wrote off Mrs Fat Gardener's car on the M4. No-one was hurt, thank goodness, but my son and Mrs F were both passengers at the time. We hit a high concrete barrier, flew into the air, crashed back down, and the front axle and chassy were bent.

My son goes back to school in 1 week. Now I have the car I have no excuse not to get back home and work from 9.30am - 2.30pm on my textile designs. We are in tight straits financially - so I need to concentrate on work, and get down to it. So sorry (in advance) if I'm not good at keeping at touch from now on.

Good luck with your college stuff.

smiley - smiley Fats.

Go for Gold

Post 8


No worries fg it is good to here from you when yah can..I know what it's like with the lack of the old moolah..what with me studying I will be working fulltim for the next two months though not getting paid as it is part of the I may not have the time your Peugeot sounds in good nick with the low milage..sounds like you were involved in a nasty accident just play it safe and be on the look out for the idiots on the road fats..circumnavigate the nutters yah know the ones that don't indicate or are all over the road... all the best and I will catch you when I can cheers Serin

Go for Gold

Post 9

the fat gardener

Dear Serin, smiley - biggrin
How are you doing? How is your studying going?

B**ger! Mrs FG is now saying he's very unhappy and he wants to give up his job/ sell our new house.

Quai Sera? Is that how you spell it?

smiley - erm Fats.

Go for Gold

Post 10


Hi FG, I am wondering what is in the water recently as a lot of people on this site and to a smaller degree myself are feeling restless...maybe your Mrs fg is just havin settling in pains...I know from my own experience of recent times when the old moolah is in short supply it is a bit of a mood dampener...I turn it into a frugal challenge yah know scouring 2nd hand shops and bargain shops..that lasts for a while...hang in there I'm sure like all things it will pass maybe he's after a bit of it may be post holiday blues...not that I know much about that we have not had a proper holiday for years...I will need to sign off now FG as I have got to hand in my last (but two reports on placement) essays they need to be in on the 7th will go for now good to hear from you and keep sigin the Doris mantra fats...smiley - biggrinsmiley - aleSerin

Go for Gold

Post 11

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Cheers for your reply. Good luck with the report.

What is a Doris mantra?

smiley - biggrinsmiley - cheerup

PS the rabbits are mad, desructabunnies - but still lovely. They pull wallpaper off the wall in seconds, and attack your hands if you wear rubber gloves.

Go for Gold

Post 12


Quia Sara Sara was Doris Day was it not fats?...Are you still going to get a goat?? Mine are tethered out the back of our block trying to get the grass down before the hot weather sets in..It is a bewt day here the 5th day of spring and all my tulips have come up seem to remember last year all of them turned red...this year we have peach a purple sort of pink and apricot and a stunning poppy red..I have divided them this year so some are just to small to flower but next year will be a stunner..well I will catch you later just came on line to get some directions on how to get to a beach as I am taking my dog to the beach to meet up with a friend and her dog..they are having a doggy date...her dog is a chocholate labrador..and then there is my dog the springer spaniel 9month old will be all on chow for now..fg

Go for Gold

Post 13

the fat gardener

Good morning Serin,

Hope you had a lovely walk on the beach - chocolate coloured Labs are my favourite dogs - always seem to be nice natured, fat and friendly. My sister has 2 Springer Spaniels - one a rescue dog, he's huge and boisterous but does what you tell him. Even if you very quietly say 'sit' he does it.

Very beautiful sunny day here. I don't think I'll be able to have a goat as Mrs FG seems very unsettled, I think he may quit his job and we may have to sell up and who knows what size place we'll end up living in.

The bunnies may even end up as indoor bunnies. They are completely mad - still stripping off wallpaper in seconds. They hate being picked up but apart from that are very friendly. They come and sniff you and will eat from your hand. They are outside in the dappled sunshine at the moment.

I took Stanley, my son, for his first day back at school this morning. Nearly cried when coming away - thinking about those children in Russia.

I'm going to try to be hard working now Stanley is back at school - work from 9.30 until 2.30pm - what am I doing on the computer now?!

smiley - biggrin Fats.

Go for Gold

Post 14

the fat gardener

P.S. Talking about Quia Sera...
I saw this years ago outside a Greek cafe:

To be is to do...Socrates
To do is to be...Sartre
Do be do be do...Sinatre.

smiley - smiley Fats.

Go for Gold

Post 15

the fat gardener

Sinatre - Sinatra? spelling gone to pot.

Go for Gold

Post 16


Hi FG your little Sinatra sayin was cute..I never forget one that I saw on the wall at Vauxhall :

Jesus Saves

Somebody wrote under it:
With the Nat West Bank

The weather has gone back to wintery after a glorious Fri Sat and Sunday. Does make a difference to your mood. Still I'm sure there are many sunny days to come. I have the day off today so I am doing one of my last essays and then might listened to some music and chill out..catch yah soon FG have a good one..Serin

Go for Gold

Post 17

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

How are you my lovely?

Sitting up late again - the family sleeping. The bunnies never sleep - is that normal? Called in at the garden centre where we bought the bunnies - got talking and apparently our bunnies were the only ones to have jumped out of the bunny section, which has 1metre high walls. They then put them in an enclosed space and they scratched and scratched the front clear bit, which hadn't happened before. They are super lively compared to other bunnies. Definitely Destructabunnies. I do love them though they were meant to be for my son.

I might be seeing a design company about working for them. A bit scarey after being freelance for so long. No more lunches under the trees, in the garden.

Hope your studies are going ok. I laughed about Jesus saving.

Off to bed soon with coffee and biscuits.

Don't like the new look site - apart from the online symbol.

smiley - biggrin Fats.

Go for Gold

Post 18


Yah bunnies do sound like characters FG do you have names for them?? I have a similar thing to face as you, I have to get work as we need to do a lot of additions and renovations..we have both had our own business and the one time I have worked for others in recent times was the public service, and that was Ok because it was a large office so you could sort of blend I am faced with a small town and small minds (gotta tell it as I see it FG) and small office environment...but hopefully I will just do my own thing and try not to get involved with the politics that inevetiably happens...anyway good luck with your working adventure Fats...I have two months of practical placement left with my is with an employment agency..hope they are all ok to get on with fingers crossed for both of us hey? My tulips are stunning and I want to be out with them fats but it is raining and cold..everyday here on the national abc radio they have a magic show called the planet the guy who dj's it is a expat American called Lucky Oceans and he plays world he is playing some gospel type music..more blues I guess but great stuff..If you can ever get on to the ABC Website..they have a Daily PLanet and nightly may take a listen..I often listen to John Peel on the World Service..listened to him when I was very young..anyway enough rabbiting from me...let me know how the job hunt is going fats all the very best with it...smiley - cheersSerinsmiley - cheerupsmiley - hug

Go for Gold

Post 19


Hiya Fats glad tah see yah still got yah petals up..The teaching sound sa good idea if you have always fancied it. I have just submitted a poem, if you would take a look, it is called, When the Cyber chips are UP. Sorry don't know the number. Bit daunting publishing it in poetry with all those skilled poets, but I believe beginnings where I last published my stuff no longer exist, pity really as I enjoyed the nursery slopessmiley - biggrin If nobody looks at it it's even worse, so if yah could give it a gander I would be well happy cheers FG, Have a great weekend, Serinsmiley - winkeye

Go for Gold

Post 20

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Nice to talk to you. I've just had a look at your poems, thought Cyber chips and Stop the World were really good. You have a chatty poetic style - and deal with contemplations - working things out.

Hope your work placement interview went well - maybe you'll get an interesting placement. What is it that you will be doing eventually?

Have to dash - sorry to only give your work a quick view - as Stanley is off school sick today. He just has a bad cold.

Have a good

smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok You're a mate! Fats.

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