The Life and Life Of Louise Baker
As a 16 year old, it is my duty to attepmt to rebel against the system and listen to music my parents would be ashamed of...But I beg to differ. I think rules control life a little bit but the system sucks...Especially the religious system. And my music, well lets just say its my parents'! I'm in love with 60's and 70's rock- and damn proud of it!
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Hi | Dec 27, 2004 |
Hello and Welcome BlueVenus... | Jul 11, 2004 |
hello and a warm welcome to h2g2 | Jul 8, 2004 |
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Ha-War-Den | Apr 2, 2005 | Sep 12, 2010 |
Punk Music | Apr 13, 2005 | Jun 5, 2006 |
heheheh! CSI | Dec 9, 2005 | No Replies |
Thundercats | Apr 2, 2005 | Apr 4, 2005 |
Bring back the Tomorrow People. | Apr 2, 2005 | Apr 3, 2005 |
Researcher U783170
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