Now wonder if I should call myself a writer

I've been amazed at the original and exceedingly good works on this site (although I can't get around it well). However, it has shaken my confidence to note that there are trillions of talented wordsmiths.

However, I shall continue, although I'm no longer a prolific scribbler. But with the changes on site, I'll have to get my thinking head on more often. There isn't a particular genre I stick to, but I'm a little partial to murder/crime/war! And I'm a woman! That's probably surprised a few of you.

Anyway, the big 50 has finally caught up with me, but luckily I've exceptionally good genes, but not brains. I have three daughters, but only a 15-yr old at home; live in a very salacious part of London (but hoping to go west in '05).


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