This is the Message Centre for Birbeck

Just when you thought it was safe

Post 1


Hello Birbeck,

Just when you thought it was safe I'm back. The kids have gone back to school and the site is once more the domain of delusional adults. Good!

So, how are you? Still short? Who do you recommend reading?

I'm script writing at the moment (one commision and one for fun) so I'm off the short stories. Oh, I know I'm not cured and I'll always be adicted... all I can say is I'm not writing a short story today. I'll just take it one step at a time.

Are you still researching someone else's mother-in-law or whatever? Are you still top reviewer and getting loads of prizes from the BBC?

So many questions...gotta go now. I have to announce my triumphant return to all my friends. Okay, truth is I'm off to the pub.

smiley - runsmiley - ale

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Just when you thought it was safe

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