The Tooth Fairy and Santa

Let me tell you a little story about myself. I was brought up in a typical, as I thought, West Country family, not so far from Taunton… No! I don’t know the pub.
My Parents were uneducated, working class (why not call a spade a spade) and Christian, not devout just wedding, births and deaths, or should that be births weddings and deaths? I am never certain which way that should go, are we talking generally, in which case births often come before the wedding as much as after or personally?
My parents did their best to answer from a curios son about life the universe and everything but never to my satisfaction. Questions on God was difficult for them, the usual stuff who is he, why is he there, where is he.
Where is he? He is up in the sky.
I knew this can’t right, Neil Armstrong had recently made his one small step for man, not once did he mention God as he went through the sky on his way to the moon!

When I was about seven years old I lived safe in the knowledge that each Christmas that some fat guy dressed in red, beard, would somehow turn up, same time each year (usually just after the pubs had closed) with a load of neat things and some how it was the very thing I had always wanted!

When back at school a heard a rumour that Santa wasn’t Santa but your parents…how could this be!

Time past, I started to lose my milk teeth. This was great because I was told if I but my tooth under my pillow a tooth fairy, considering home many kids are losing teeth there has got to be more than one, would leave a sixpence (showing my age).

Same rumour going round school, not the tooth fairy but your parents again!

Better check this new theory out!
So the next time a tooth came lose I kept it secret, worked on it but kept it secret until it finally came out. That evening I went to bed with my secret held in my hand and when I was certain that no was looking, I shared my bedroom with my brother, I placed the tooth under my pillow, in the exact same spot as last time, turn over and went to sleep.

In the morning I woke with the sun streaming through the gap between the curtains
a beam of light falling on my pillow pointing to where my secret lay, this was a good sine. I put my hand under the pillow searching for the sixpence my hand moved round, nothing! No tooth, no sixpence. I sat up and lifted the pillow, nothing!
Then something dropped from under the pillow and rolled, something small and white, my tooth!

This was clear proof that the tooth fairy existence should be called into doubt. I mention this to my parents who a shored me that the tooth fairy would only appear if they were told. Ah! This was proof enough my parents had been fooling me into believing into something that clearly did not exist.
But if this is true for the tooth fairy then what about Santa… wait a minute what about God!

This is a shorten version of what happened 35 years ago, missing some of the detail of coarse, but I think you will get the picture.

I have tried to be agnostic but I just don’t have the faith. But as an atheist its not that I do not believe in a god, believe has nothing to do with it god just doesn’t exist to me.

Thanks DNA for putting into words that of which I could only think.

So if someone can proof to me the existence of Santa or the Tooth fairy then the world is my oyster.


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