Planet Marden, Hereford, UK

Greetings from the outer rim of the galaxy- a location that is almost but not quite entirely not in the Country of Wales.

I'd like to report that I am male, handsome and young, but that would be partially wrong.

Remember not to panic;

1. I am owned by a 15LB Gully Cat called Zog who bites and sleeps wherever he wants. (think he is a Greebo offspring). In case of emergencies, I am blood type A+

2. I pretend to be knowledgable about computing devices, I can now get my ZX81 to print 'HELLO PAUL' - but that may not be my name.....
3. There is no '3'- I am a triphobic.
4. I look on life rather like Marvin.
5. How can you identify an unidentified flying object?? - is it then an I.F.O?
6. I like Blake's 7, Red Dwarf, Pratchett of course, and - oh no, writers block.........
7. Phew, that was close, I was speed reading this and hit an unexpected Full Stop - threw me across the room!
8. Why am I numbering this?


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
I'm Back Jan 23, 2012 No Replies
Zargon1 Hello! Sep 29, 2005 No Replies
One of the best Sep 29, 2005 No Replies
of course I remember Jun 26, 2004 Aug 6, 2005
series 4 dvd No Posting Aug 6, 2005


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Kerr Avon

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