This is the Message Centre for Kerr Avon

G'day zargon1 ...

Post 1

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

My name is Feisor and I am an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) here at h2g2 and I AM a real person, not an automated rely not an automated reply not an automated reply smiley - laugh.

Welcome to h2g2 – not just the friendliest on-line community but an incredibly huge resource about Life, The Universe and Everything – compiled by researchers just like you smiley - biggrin

I read your very witty post on the "I'm New" thread - you should use some of that stuff for your intro - it's very funny - but there's no rush ... whenever you feel comfortable with it smiley - biggrin

We ACEs are volunteers here to assist new researchers so if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
You can leave a message on my space just by clicking on my name at the top of this message or by hitting the reply button below - it won't hit back (usually).

I have made a "Hints and Links for New Researchers" page at <./>A719840</.> - if you go there it will lead you to all sorts of places which will help find your way around and get to know this wonderful place smiley - biggrin

It should keep you busy for a while smiley - biggrin I am sure that you will love this community as much as we do smiley - biggrin There's lots of things to see, clubs to join and people to meet - please don't be shy - just jump right in - this is a friendly place. But be careful - it can become quite addictive - believe me I know smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers

Have fun!!!
and above all smiley - dontpanic!!!

smiley - peacedove

G'day zargon1 ...

Post 2

Kerr Avon

Greetings Ace, from the Land that Time Forgot - I will follow your advice when not allegedly working, very tempting as we have a 4Gb net feed here. Unfortunately on my planet we still use morse code for connection and leaves for currency. Very civilized though as we drink geenan tonix and have our telephones sanitised frequently.

I must go and appear to rush about holding a piece of paper for a while in the hope I get paid for itsmiley - tea

Many thanx for your reply,

Zargon1, Technician 3rd Class

G'day zargon1 ...

Post 3

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

smiley - laugh I can identify with all of that - paper shuffling while trying to maintain life on h2g2 can be a real smiley - bleep

Let me know if you have any questions - and I'll try to answer them

This may help you through your day smiley - alesmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - redwine

smiley - cheers

G'day zargon1 ...

Post 4

Kerr Avon

Thanx, they will really help - I'm an IT sort of pro (I make up complex explanations as to why things don't work) but so far I can't find how to set up my 'profile' - if there is such a thing. Any help mucho appreciated.

smiley - bubbly

G'day zargon1 ...

Post 5

Kerr Avon

not panicking, have updated my profile - not sure what an ideal length shoud be - please advisesmiley - ale

G'day zargon1 ...

Post 6

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Absolutely up to you - have a look around - some spaces are very brief - others seem to go on forever smiley - laugh

If you follow the link I left you - you can have a look at "Spicing up your page" - a great guide smiley - biggrin

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