This is the Message Centre for Cyiadan

How bored can I possibly be

Post 41


smiley - yikes I'm sure people will figure it out

How bored can I possibly be

Post 42


Like who

How bored can I possibly be

Post 43


Like me!

How bored can I possibly be

Post 44


smiley - erm... anyone who pays a close attention... but that would mean them reading this thread

How bored can I possibly be

Post 45


Exactly and it's a very useless thread

How bored can I possibly be

Post 46


smiley - smiley yeah I suppose it is useless though not as useless as one on my PSsmiley - winkeye

How bored can I possibly be

Post 47


smiley - laugh....hey sam named that one

How bored can I possibly be

Post 48


smiley - biggrin I know... who was Sam anyways?

How bored can I possibly be

Post 49


What do you mean who was sam?

How bored can I possibly be

Post 50


I know which character Sam was... why doesn't Sam play Brena anymore?

How bored can I possibly be

Post 51


Oh, because he didn't like hootoo and left

How bored can I possibly be

Post 52


smiley - erm what is there not to like?

How bored can I possibly be

Post 53


People weren't too impressed when he put too much gore and violence and power-grabbing in the game

How bored can I possibly be

Post 54


ah right, yes I can remember not being too impre4ssed with itsmiley - smiley Sam really did make the perfect villan though

How bored can I possibly be

Post 55


He's coming back to take over the death of Brena before leaving again....he says he wants to make Brena go out with a bang smiley - yikes

How bored can I possibly be

Post 56


smiley - yikes We're going to need some more villains, aren't we?

How bored can I possibly be

Post 57


Don't worry...we have some smiley - evilgrin

How bored can I possibly be

Post 58


smiley - erm

How bored can I possibly be

Post 59


Wait and see little Scandrea, you will soon be *very* important

How bored can I possibly be

Post 60


smiley - biggrin I can't wait!

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