~All About Me~

Read this profile to find out more about me...

First name: Nicola (Nikki for all of you please!)

Date of Birth: 18th September 1985

Place of Birth: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Lives with: Mum, step-bro and half bro

Pets: 2 cats called Pooh and Tigger and 2 fish called Bob and Berty

Marital Status: Engaged :-D

Hair colour: Brown

Eye colour: Hazel

Height: 5"1

Weight: 7 stones

Clothes size: 8

Shoe size: 3

Favourite music: R&b, Rap and dance (also like some rock and indie) musicalnote

Favourite singers: Justin, Robbie, Stereophonics, Eminem, Usher and R Kelly musicalnote

Favourite TV shows: Only fools and Horses, Friends, Phoenix Nights, Corrie and Eastenders

Favourite colour: Pink

Favourite food: Pizza- how unhealthy :(

Favourite Football Team: The Blades: Sheffield United football

Favourite footballers: For the Blades: Jack Lester and Andy Gray and england players- Paul Scholes and Steven Gerrard football

Favourite cartoon: Winnie the Pooh

Favourite film: Dude, where's my car?

Favourite actor: Ashton Kutcher

Favourite actress: Brittany Murphy

Favourite animal: Dolphins

Least Favourite music: Classical, heavy metal and sixties bleep musicalnote

Least Favourite singers: Busted, McFly, Girls Aloud and anything pop musicalnote

Least Favourite TV shows: Family Affairs, Neighbours and Family Fortunes

Least Favourite colour: Blue

Least favourite food: Curry

Least Favourite football team: Sheffield Wednesday football

Least Favourite footballers: Adam Proudlock and Kevin Pressman for the pigs and Emile Heskey for England football

Least Favourite cartoon: Ed, edd and eddy

Least favourite film: Emperors new groove

Least Favourite Actor: Tom Cruise

Least Favourite actress: Julia Roberts

Least Favourite animal: Spider spider

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Nikki "Sweet Pea" Hart

Researcher U721068


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