This is the Message Centre for Nikki "Sweet Pea" Hart

Hello and Welcome Tr1kk1...

Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Hi Tr1kk1, Welcome to h2g2 smiley - smiley

I'm Emmily one of the many <./>ACEs</.> (Assistant Community Editors) We're here to offer you a warm welcome advice & links to help you find your way around

I'm a real person not an automated computer programme to find out about me click on my name above this conversation post you can do that on anyones name in any conversation thread smiley - magic

Have a smiley - teasmiley - coffee & smiley - cake or smiley - ale & smiley - porkpie put your feet up relax & let your fingers do the walking

You can click on any of the links

You can click <./>userdetails</.> or 'Preferences' on the screen to change your number to a name or to change the skin (background) there are 3 to choose from brunel alabaster or classic goo you might like to experiment a bit see which one you prefer to use smiley - biggrin

You might like to hitch a ride smiley - bus on our <./>DontPanic-Tour</.>

These are just a few smiley - mousesmiley - esuomsmiley - chicksmiley - cheesecakesmiley - sharksmiley - towelsmiley - titof the great list of <./>Smileys</.> you can choose from

The slang used here can be a bit confusing h2Jargon - A632431 or h2g2 Glossary - A901829 explains most of it

You can customise your space using what is available through h2g2 Spicing up Your Page - A690518 gives some good advice smiley - surfer

I'm also a Guru so I can help with any GuideML problems you may have smiley - ok

You may find 'Hints and Links for New Researchers' - A719840 useful

Like most communities we have Clubs & Societies You can find out about these - A660340 We even have our own newspaper smiley - thepost known as <./>ThePost</.>

If your interested in writing for the Guide Writing-Guidelines is a good place to start

You can click this link <./>RandomEditedEntry</.> Though where it goes nobody knows smiley - wow

Another couple of things we have a tag which displays the name of the researcher visiting the page so don't be concerned if you see your name on someone's space that researcher is just using tag some of them are quite amusing but harmless

And the 'eyes' next to a researchers name show they are online smiley - ok

Hope you find these helpful & you enjoy yourself here smiley - biggrin to reply to this post If you have any questions or if you just want to say 'hi' click 'reply' below

smiley - rose

Hello and Welcome Tr1kk1...

Post 2

Nikki "Sweet Pea" Hart

Hello Emmily smiley - smiley
Just reading the post that you sent me and thank you for your help. I was wondering if you can add photos onto this page?
Love from Nikki

Hello and Welcome Tr1kk1...

Post 3

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Hi Nikki, nice to hear from you smiley - smiley

Sorry, but due to copyright issues, and other reasons too complicated for me to understand smiley - doh you can only use the pictures available via our Picture Library - A692741 there's quite a selection to choose from.

There are some photo's on h2g2 these are from meets, where members met and were given 'special permission' to upload those photo's.

If you have a website with photo's on you could use a link to your website, providing it doesn't break h2g2 <./>HouseRules</.> the BBC has to be very careful about what is linked from their site. smiley - ok

I've had a read of your page, erm, this is just a suggestion. The internet is not the safest of places to display personal information, I see you have used your full name, including surname and details of other family members, you may like to re-think this, and possibly remove some of it. There's no privacy here, anyone on the net whether registered or not can read it.

Hope you don't take offence to this well meant advice. smiley - smiley

smiley - rose

Hello and Welcome Tr1kk1...

Post 4

Nikki "Sweet Pea" Hart

Hey Emmily!
I'll update this then thank you. I am new to all of this so thank you for telling me and thank you for giving me the information for the pictures.

Love Nikki

Hello and Welcome Tr1kk1...

Post 5

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Hiya Nikki smiley - smiley

Just popped by to see how you're doing, hope you return soon smiley - ok

You were engaged, have you had your 'big day' yet?

I didn't notice before that you support the same smiley - football team as Sean Bean, I'm a big Sharpe fan smiley - biggrin though, like most of us, Sean is showing his age now smiley - laugh

smiley - rose

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