This is the Message Centre for TashaLeanne

ACE's welcome TashaLeanne!!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

If you're looking for complete novices, you might want to check out the Drinkers Club (whether you drink or not) for new researchers@ A2215450 . You can have a look around there as well as leave a message, & you're likely to meet some other newbies like yourself.

I'm just poppin' in as one of the Assistant Community Editors here, we welcome recent registrants like yourself as well as leave you some directions for getting around the site & just basically feeling a bit more at home here. Since you are quite new, you can visit the 'I am new, what do I do now?' page@ A868098 . And of course there's another welcome waiting for you on the 'Welcome page'@ A53146 . Oh & you should probably take the <./>dontpanictour</.> ...just in case. smiley - winkeye

The wink there Tasha or TashaLeanne, is just 1 of the many many smileys, you'll find the complete categorized list@ A155909 . It gives simple instructions for creating each one & if you ever want to refer back to it, all you need to do is type smileys into the search window. Putting something on your page/space right away is a good idea, so I'm glad that you did that...when you're ready to expand or modify that you should look at 'spicing up your page'@ A690518 . Or another decorative option is the 'picture gallery'@ A692741 , you'll find a variety of pictures there. There's also 'the GuideML clinic'@ A187229 (I've been told that if you've done any HTML, it's not all that difficult.)

Some of my ACE colleagues have compiled lists of links designed to assist new researchers. You can find Seraphina's Links@ A1919937 , you'll find Rocketman's Links@ A725500 , Shea's List is@ A534953 , & Feisor's List Of Links can be found@ A719840 . Take your time going over all those links, having a good look around & getting settled in here.

We're quite a friendly bunch here, so I certainly hope you find some other newbies/novices. Another place you might find some I suppose, is my friend pheloxi's United Friends@ A703126 , or you might ask for any newbies/novices/recent registrants to contact you, - just post that request@ <./>askh2g2</.> . I might check back & see how you're doing in awhile/few days, or you can contact me by clicking on the 'Reply' button below. Bye for now! *waves*

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