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Middle of the exams

Post 1

LQ - Just plain old LQ

Well, as the title suggests, I'm about halfway through my exams, with two weeks and eight more to go. This includes six over the approaching Monday to Wednesday, followed by two more in the middle of the week after. Most of them look to be pretty straightforward (except for the French...especially writing [shudder]), but a good bit of revesion should be done for Chemistry on Monday, and the two History exams (Tuesday and a week on Wednesday).

I'm happy because in my first week there I came in third on the Telegraph game with my submission. Wahey!

The English paper I had to do on Thursday was rather stupid, with one question being more like a History one than English; and the rest of the comprehension questions never required me to compare anything. A quick web search came up with an interesting page with some teachers' responses to the paper I sat (Higher level):

I must say, I fully agree with all the comments expressed there.

Middle of the exams

Post 2

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

So you at least have one thing to be happy about; congratulations regarding the Telegraph game. smiley - applause

I remember exam hellsmiley - wah, but I don't think I ever got a paper bad enough to provoke comments like thosesmiley - erm. I hope your forthcoming ones are better.

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