This is the Message Centre for honeycook


Post 1

Annie ™

just to let you know I am adding you to my list of h2g2 friends. I find your pposts friendly and interesting. sorry to hear about your eyesight affecting your ability to work in the job you like. Go for it regarding the book. I like your idea for the title I think it is bold humorous and makes a good clear ststement.

all the best
Anniesmiley - ok

Hi Annie

Post 2


Trying to reply to your message at last..this is just an experiment..will probably end up sending this to myself..Thank you for adding me to your list of friends..I will try to do the same here for you..when I have sussed it all out..
will get back to you soon.

Hi Annie

Post 3


Well thank you, at last I seem to have found my way in, I think I would have gone mad trying without your help. Sheila

Hi Annie

Post 4

Annie ™

and I managed to read both of these replys and answer them both on honeycooks site smiley - ok

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