This is the Message Centre for MadAthena

MadAthena, you've been ACE'd

Post 1


Hello and welcome to the huge site that is h2g2, the Hithiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Earth edition) smiley - biggrin. I'm Unc, one of the site's <./>ACE</.>s. smiley - ok

To get you started I'd recommend taking the <./>dontpanic-tour</.> smiley - dontpanic. Feisor has witten a list of hints and links at A719840 which is also very useful/

smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - schooloffishsmiley - pandasmiley - ponysmiley - dragonsmiley - sheepsmiley - mousesmiley - snowball Visit the <./>smiley</.> page to learn how to use the site's many emoticons smiley - artistsmiley - chefsmiley - orangefishsmiley - cheesecakesmiley - skismiley - tit

Some places to go..
smiley - disco <./>Askh2g2</.> is great if there's a question you want to ask the h2g2 community
smiley - disco <./>Miscchat</.> is a forum for more general chat
smiley - discoA630019 for a list of clubs and societies on site
smiley - discoA1123354 to learn how to brighten up your user page smiley - rainbow

If you want to help build up the Guide, then try <./>contribute</.>. A1355195 is a page set up to help people who want to start writing for the Guide, whether it's fact or fiction.

Read <./>thepost</.>, h2g2's very own newspaper to find out what's happening on site smiley - thepost

If you need any help, or just want to chat, then simply reply and I'll get back to you. smiley - ok

smiley - tea and smiley - cake,
smiley - towel

MadAthena, you've been ACE'd

Post 2


Thank You. Although I'm happy to have joined I'm a bit nervous smiley - erm I'm going to have a look round, and when I get an idea or some inspiration from something, I'll start writing

MadAthena, you've been ACE'd

Post 3


Don't be nervous, it's a friendly site, feel free to join in any conversation you wish. smiley - biggrin If you're looking for inspiration for article writing, then I suggest you have a look at Challengeh2g2 smiley - ok. There's no rush though, and many people don't write any entries at all. smiley - smiley Posting in <./>peerreview</.> in itself is very helpful, and will give you a feel of what writing style to use. smiley - biggrin

MadAthena, you've been ACE'd

Post 4


Ok, thanks!smiley - biggrin

MadAthena, you've been ACE'd

Post 5


Another thing that a lot of people do is subscribe to <./>askh2g2</.>. It's the site's busiest forum and conversations there range from serious debate to 'what underwear are you wearing right now?'. smiley - ermsmiley - laugh

If there's something you're not sure about, or there's a topic you're looking for or the such like and want a link, don't hesitate to ask. smiley - ok

MadAthena, you've been ACE'd

Post 6


I just wrote an entry about nits...

MadAthena, you've been ACE'd

Post 7


I'll give it a read smiley - run

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