get happy or get sad

12-27-87 im 17 now 18 later suffering from the highly contagous brainrot due to the i live in a small town with inbreed and redneck got how i hate this place. but i love it to. where most the people here are brainrot im not the only one suffering isnt that right voodoo. he wouldnt know cuz he hasnt updated in 2 years. ill work on that. i am the great one in my mind and the forgotten one in this realtiy. spell check would be good right know. do not let my spelling or anything get you wrong i can out wit and decuss any of you. self-proclaimed writer of sorts. i hit a kid in the face with a chair the other day, that way fun, im sorry for it but it still felt good. got me 5 days oss and charged with assult what fun. thank you Doug for helping me finding british wit.

in a year we can learn
in a year we can die
but the thing is
in a year we all get older

beware of the mongoose
the baboons are liars
everybody anywhere sucks
-FiSH the l_337 l_0$312


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