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Is Human Law ABSOLUTE? Or relative to the Cosmos?

When Law is seen as absolute, having no recourse, that is totalitarian law, which is uncivil.
QUOTE::"Justice is a standard of action on the part of humanity or individuals thereof in accordance with the entire body of laws or ethical expectations."

This is man's justice. I speak of God's Justice, not The Law of the Sea, Maritime Justice which is the equivalent of Debtor's Justice in the US -- you know -- the Court where the flag has a gold fringe around it?

Many men are uncivilized; and they concoct laws that are unjust and uncivil.

As a Christian, I have a very discriminating palate for which laws render unto Caesar and which laws render unto God. And the twain often do not meet. Men's laws are becoming confounded, constrictive and obsessive these days. And I think most people would agree at this time that civil rights and human rights are eroding before our eyes.

We have examples of Natural [Civil] Law before us, with Constitutional Law, the 1689 English Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta.

And we have examples of Maritime Law, the Laws of the Sea, and some aspects of (Sharia Law) which are uncivil in the extreme.

Shall we abet and pander to extreme LAW, or shall we move with Civil Laws that embody truth-telling and honesty?

Shall we have Star Courts, indictments based on gossip and innuendo and perjured testimony, just because that's what "has power"?

Isn't there a higher standard than Lawyer-written Law? Of course there is! Lawyers are the most proverbial tricksters on the planet; and these days the legal profession is profiteering on victimless crime, creating whole prison-slave industries. Nobody is questioning this?

So shall we choke down LAW, whole, or shall we subject Law to the form of Justice that says, A Law to be Just ought to IMPROVE the situation for the victim and restrict the criminal from doing further harm. Yes, the natural Law standard must be applied to all human Law; we don't just give in to uncivil Law and allow Tricksterism to rule Courts.

Imagine our prosecuting ETs under uncivil Law! What kind of wars would THAT practice incite?

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Latest reply: Jun 4, 2009

It's NOT OKAY, we're lied to and deceived.

...Acting "Certain" is not the same as being "Spiritually Aware"
...Cutting people off by shutting down cash flow to whole industries...
...has the effect of undoing all of society, not just workers.
...There's nowhere to show up because work has fled.
...Closures for no reason and to no purpose are an indicator that Leadership no longer lies within the grip of the people who work.
...What sort of alleged incompetency results in society's fall except the incompetency of Leadership, top-down?
...The only way to get rid of hovering vultures is to make them irrelevant, and get on with Life as an Art form, and not as a piece of a machine.
...Anger is very appropriate; but we must channel its energy carefully or be accused of being worse than our oppressors.
...So, disengage, and let us coalesce and reconnect in sparser places.
...Let's not deal with the Game they're playing over our heads -- not anymore.


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Latest reply: Jun 1, 2009

IMPOSSIBLE PROOFS, by definition

by Emily Cragg [Chaiyah88], Moderator, ETAnthropology

Today we the thought-full (who care about the Future for our children) confront a great number of INDICATORS that Leadership has gone awry, that our interest in Peace and Harmony is not being respected at the highest levels of Governance.

Courts and INDICTMENTS require positive proofs; and what we who watch our nation DO OBSERVE is that all positive proofs are now SECRET. So we have indicators of "lack of intention," but we have nothing we can take either to the Courts nor to the Banks to resolve problems once and for all.

1. We are prevented from knowing results, effects and outcomes of Official acts. Secrecy, "need-to-know," "compartmentalization," and confidential statutes prevent our knowing how are tax dollars are spent.

2. Anger is punished by HR and dissent is punished by Law Enforcement; not allowed to even surface. Indeed, anger is categorized along with mental disorders, officially.

3. The majority of citizenry are kept distracted and busy, and not engaged in truth-discovery or whistleblowing. Anyone so engaged is ridiculed and ostracized.

4. All the checks and balances established in our Originating Documents have been disabled; influence-peddling is normal; perjury is normal; bribery is normal.

5. At the highest levels of Governance, nobody is examined for insanity, toxicity or bad outcomes in their past. Thugs and thieves thrive in Leadership because NO RESUME is required for election to the highest offices and predatory behaviors are "normal" there.

6. The media are paid and required to NOT SEE burgeoning and castrating issues of Thuggery, Official Obfuscation and false Dominion (NGOs). Professional agents render arguments FOR CIVILITY (on-line) and REASON as worthy of contempt; these agents are called "debunkers" in favor of Official policy.

7. Responding to any communication has become "optional." No legislator need bother to answer, no webmaster need look at who's disaffected, no agency need examine its own competence. Just tally the opinions and throw the letters away. This is Not-See-ism in full bloom, where citizenry have no say at all.

8. Certain minorities get baited with technical language, impossible proofs, interminable waits and the false logic that an accusation of infidelity is the same as a criminal complaint. We're back to the Inquisition, in spades.

9. What is unsafe and inappropriate in a civil society, now expands into all areas of life. There is no way to deal with chemtrails, DU, medical iatrogenic dis-ease, across-the-board corruption, bioweaponized diseases, serial wars, cruelty and arrogance at the level of State. Nobody is listening to you.

10. Data can now be erased, changed, altered, photoshopped; so nobody is safe from false accusations and no agency is subject to accountability statutes.

It is in this arena of total control of information that we find ourselves being programmed into passivity and complacency and non-alignment.

A person committed to civil principles will find him- or herself being nit-picked and excoriated for lacking tolerance for the acting out of human unsublimated urges (bad outcomes put to practice) especially sexual promiscuity and abandonment of principled behavior. Now, the civil minded are the hated minority for everyone else to ridicule.

In the field of EXO-COMM, we the researchers find that all data could be true or it could all be concocted; and there is no way for us to establish anything. We do not know how many abductions have occurred. We do not know how many humans are being held and used for breeding; or for eating; or whatever.

We do know the 911 network films were all cartoons or manufactured accounts; that a plane never did hit the Pentagon (just a white missile); that WTC7 came down in a normal demolition; that there may or may not have been any airliners involved; that Flight 93 disembarked in Ohio at a warehouse; that 1200 autos as far away as seven-tenths of a mile from the WTC were vaporized en masse. Okay, we so know we're being lied to big time if you really dig around in the evidence of those days.

But we don't know who did it; and we'll never have proof despite massive Occultic symbology and numerology involved in that event.

Our lives at present are out of our control. Welcome to the BORG, "You shall be assimilated" is the stated and unstated intention those behind the curtain.

"Over my dead body" is my retort. Living in a Barbaric, sacrificial caste system is not my cup of tea.

Emily Cragg

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Latest reply: Jun 1, 2009

We all lead interesting lives?


That's no so.

The elderly confined to their homes ...
the impoverished confined to their attempts to stand ...
the sick confined to their sickness ...
the child confined to an ideology ...
the worker confined to a job ...
the one waiting for the bus ...

these are all suspended in time, waiting for a life to begin.

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Latest reply: May 28, 2009

R&E Closes Mechanically as if we are nothing

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Latest reply: Apr 5, 2008

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