This is the Message Centre for The Doc

hello Doc

Post 1


Just stopping by to say hello and invite you to join my h2g2 photo gallery, if you would like to. smiley - smiley


Have seen you around quite a bit and quite like reading your opinions about things.

So, hope to *see* you soon?


hello Doc

Post 2

The Doc

Oh Dear - you like my insane ramblings? Thats what they feel like most days..........have you ever popped into the Mad Lab to see what the Doc is like when off the leash?

Thanks for the invite, I will try and pull out a picture that shows me in a suitable heroic pose or something and yes, I have seen quite a few of your posts and they make for interesting reading.

In the meanwhile I am off to see if there are any pompous posts I can deflate...........!

Be good!

hello Doc

Post 3


Mad Lab? What's that?

Yes, your 'insane ramblings' are quite enjoyable.

I often get into 'trouble' here for speaking my mind - usually by people who have misread my intention. But you know, in the immortal words of Bette Midler - F**k em if they can't take a joke! smiley - winkeye

Shall look forward to your photo, and meanwhile, please feel free to join in on the thread - it seems to go wherever anyone wants to take it, which I think is quite lovely.


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