This is the Message Centre for alzima

It is time

Post 41


Seriously, you really do lead a busy life don't you?....and long may it continue !!! Did you go to W.I. and book clubs while your husband was alive, or is it something that you started afterwards? I think that I told you about my sister who was always the little woman at home(and glad to be) while her husband was alive;it was only when he died that she made an independant life for she's never in...gone to Jersey this to Scotland a bit later! She said that she would not want to go back to her old life, although she misses her husband.

Remember that crash that I had at work? Well today I had to go for my disciplinary hearing. You would have thiought that I had murdered someone. I know that my boss has to follow a procedure, but it was all a bit overblown. I think that he had worked out what he was going to say and nothing was going to stop him.It completely threw him when I said that the accident was almost entirely my fault, and that I realised that I had to be discilined. He whittered on for a while and then asked me to leave his office and he would deliberate as to the action that he would take.He called me back in after a few minutes and said after a great deal of thought he would give me a written warning..I already knew that that would be the oucome, but I suppose he had to follow the departmental line...So now I've got a record !!!

Don't pack up the CB entirely.I/we would miss you too much.

May see you there later

Big 'Uns

Al XXX smiley - cool

It is time

Post 42


Hismiley - cool

As you hadn't mentioned the accident again, I presumed it had all blown over. Can't imagine why it had to be all so official and why it couldn't have been done on the day after it happened. Red tape, I guess.

Bet you're shaking in your shoes anticipating a written warning.What's the matter with those people? Oh, I'm quite annoyed at it all.

When my husband was alive I used to laugh at people who asked me to join things. Ijust wasn't a "joiner" and was much happier at home with my husband.
I only joined things because people wouldn't leave me be and insisted I came along. I hated it all especially since I knew nobody and everybody else seemed to be acquainted. That part of it is good. I can attend things , knowing there'll be somebody there I know, but then, before I didn't care, I had my husband. We never went anywhere without each other. Although I have a busy, full life, I would gladly go back to the old days. I used to cook lovely dinners, we had a few sherries while I cooked. He laid the table and kept my glass filled up and washed all the dishes and saucepans I was using.
He sorted out a bottle of wine, lit the candles on the dining-table and afterdinner I lay, comatose on the sofa to watch T.V.
Every now and again I thought there must be more to life than that, but I didn't want to look for it without my husband.

He died quite suddenly( did I tell you that?) on a Sunday afternoon, mowing the lawn. I was watching Formula 1 and had just put a large chicken in the oven. I went outside to put the wrappers in the dustbin and thought it strange that he didn't appear, as usually he would take it off me to put in the dustbin. Iwas so spoilt.
Then I saw his feet sticking out from behind the patio wall. He had been dead about half an hour, they said.
For about 3 months I was in complete shock and writing about it, I still remember how I felt.
I phoned my lovely brother. We were supposed to go and stay with him later that week. All I could say was: "Jan, Len is dead." It was quiet for a moment and then he said: "I'm on my way" and he arrived at 8-00 the next morning. Don't know what I would have done without him, although He wasn't much use as he didn't speak English and couldn't drive our car, but he was THERE. That day I had to drive to the next village to do all the necessary things. Funeral director, notification of death, Bank manager etc. I was shaking all over, I hadn't driven for 5 years an had never driven that particular car. It was a nightmare. We came to a junction and I was so scared I couldn't move. A bus-driver behind me started honking his horn and then passed me, shouting obscenities and shaking his fist. I wished I could have said to him: "I hope this never happens to YOUR wife." I was in tears.
Still, we got home.
When my brother left, after 3 weeks, it felt like another bereavement.
I felt totally lost. I had sent TCL a note about L.'s death and he phoned me right away and said he was coming to see me. He did too and it was no wonder I fell for his charm.
So, there we go.
What brought all that on?
Oh yes, you asked if I had joined anything when my husband was alive.

Al, make the most of your time together. You just never know. I know we can't live our lives as if this is the last day but we ought to. I always thought these tragedies only happened to other people.
I always felt so lucky.

I think I'll go and open a bottle of wine.Don't know if I'll go to the CB later, I've been out all morning and was gardening until 5-00. Feel absolutely knackered and am looking forward to a lie down and a bar of chocolate.

I've been sleeping really well the last couple of nights. How about you?
I've been so physically tired, perhaps that's why.

See you soon.

smiley - love

smiley - zoomsmiley - smooch

It is time

Post 43


smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinHi FLY,

Had a hell of a job to get into here this evening;It kept telling me that there was a problem and that they were trying to rectify it..but me being so intrepid, I eventually made it!!
I hope that my questions to you didn't revive too many bad memories. I had the feeling that when you had finished posting your last message to me,you were very sad. Sorry.
I'm off to have a look around the boards but I will be back later...although I may be the worse for drink as I have just taken my first sip of a french red. Tastes a little dry at the moment, but a few more sips should get my palate accustomed to it.

See you

Al XXXsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

It is time

Post 44


Hismiley - cool 9-39 hours

Yes, you're right, I was a little sad last night after all the reminiscing, but it's not a bad thing to think about these things once in a while. It didn't really upset me as such, but made me remember the good times.

I had the same trouble earlier on trying to get into here.It never goes very smoothly anywhere for long, does it?smiley - erm

French wine can be a bit dry sometimes. I was telling one of my friends this p.m. I've got an invitation to a wine-tasting, I get about 4 a year from this firm but until now have found no-one to go with. But Betty was all for it, as it's free!!
I told her, they have about 70 wines to taste and I always start at the most expensive, £30 or £40 a bottle and I don't like them.
As I get to the cheaper stuff I'm much happier. I think that I've drunk so much rubbish by now, my palate is ruined for the finer stuff.
I still like my Chilean C.S.

Saw you in R2 just now. I've never liked Elaine Page, it's not her singing so much, I don't like her as a person. That shouldn't influence me, should it? I heard that "Don't cry for me, Argentina" this morning. Awoke at 6-15, far too early.

Where have all the moaners gone????

Had a lovely day. Went to a "bring and buy" coffee morning, chatted to some nice people and then 3 of us went out to a supermarket we seldom visit and then for lunch to a new restaurant. Lovely couple running it, super food too and nice ambience, 16th century house. We had to wait quite a while for our food but it was all freshly cooked and we had a great chat.

Just spoken to TCL. He's got a new pain now. He was told by the physio to cross his right leg with his left and it was very painful!
He can't get his leg-over!!!

I nearly fell over in the bathroom yesterday evening, because after I've been gardening I like to put my feet (one by one) in the washbasin.
I must be getting very stiff because after I had my right foot in, I couldn't get it out again. Had hold of the doorhandle and tried to hop backwards, but it was very difficult. Shan't do THAT again. I thought all this hard work was supposed to make me more supple.

Any of that wine left?

Will have a look into the CB now.

Be nice to hear from you again if you haven't nodded off.

smiley - love

smiley - smooch

smiley - zoom

It is time

Post 45



You make me laugh! I can imagine you with one foot in the wash basin!! No,I don't think that exercise particularly makes you supple. I think that it's the stretching things that do that; yoga etc.
Half a glass of vino left..give me your glass, there you are!

I think that I must be like you about wine...the expensive stuff is wasted on me. The only way that I could enjoy it would be for me to start on the cheap stuff,then eventually when I reached the dear stuff, I would be in that lovely condition where everything tastes good(my trouble is..I can't sip! If it's there;it has to go...and if I'm in good company, and talking a lot..It goes even quicker.(uncouth or what?)

Shame that TCL can't get his leg over any more...I ought to be able to go on at length about that, but..........???

Yes, the moaners have disappeared thank goodness...The only thing is that the boards have gone quiet as well. Next thing you'll see is them coming back saying without them the boards will die; then off we'll go again. If it wasn't fot the likes of you, Perkins, Mike etc. I think that I would pack it all in. We keep saying that perhaps it will get better; but how will that be if we can't be bothered to contribute?

Looking forward to our 'rest' in Devon. I'm not going to do much; a bit of walking,bit of boozing & eating, and hopefully come back refreshed.
Have a good nights sleep(mine has been very good lately..average 5 hrs. per night)Will most likely speak to you tomorrow.

Massivest Wotsits

smiley - cool XXXXX smiley - smooch


It is time

Post 46


Hi smiley - cool

It's lunch-time, 12-30.
You wouldn't believe what I'm eating. There is this wonderful old-fashioned baker in one of the villages and I buy his white bread. It's absolute heaven. Crusty, without being hard or tough and I eat it in huge hunks with lots of butter and seedless raspberry jam.
A feast.

Wish we hadn't talked about sleep yesterday because last night I had one of the worst nights ever.
Had to get up early to go for a pedicure, then had to buy a card and flowers for a neighbour who's in hospital and this afternoon I'm going to visit Mike, the (once) gardener.
Wish you could see that. He is so bent now, his chin is resting on his knees and I can't see his face. It makes it very difficult to understand what he's saying and there's a lot of: "Sorry?" "What" and "I didn't hear that bit" and silences, when he expects me to answer and I haven't heard the question. Very tiring, as I try to bend down as far as him. Always come home with back-ache.

Yes, the boards are quiet. Don't know about to-day, haven't looked yet. The thing is, it's always the same people who are trying to make a go of it. Mike is almost always there and then the few of us now and again, but I run out of topics. How many more times can I go on asking "Who's pouring?" And there's not a lot of things you can answer to that either.smiley - biggrin
There used to be such a crowd, Perkins, Jason,Phil, PP, PG, BDG, JYY, Shell, Si Clone, Don, Clive, there must be more. I can't remember Helen being there but I think she was. Ruth is quite new and I don't remember Nick either.
As it is , it's hard going, isn't it?

You and I would be better off in a chat-room where you can talk one to one. Not that we say anything that can't be heard by others, but it's like having a conversation in a pub or restaurant and the people at nearby tables listening in.

But I don't know how to go about chat-rooms and it always sounds so naughty and sleazy, doesn't it?

When I was with AOL there was quite a fun thing. You had a list of friends (also AOL) and if any of them came Online, a signal came up and you could chat together on screen.

It's a lovely day here to-day. When are you going to Devon? I prefer Devon to Cornwall and really love Dorset too. Last holiday my husband and I had was in Dorset. I could write a book about the hotel, but we had a hilarious time. Lovely walks too.
Isn't it strange that when people have been married a good many years, they seem to like doing the same things, the same sort of holidays etc.
Even if you started out quite different.

I'm like you with wine, and I think that especially if you're eating, after the first few sips you don't notice it any more.
I'm a bit of a nuisance, though, I HATE moderation. It irked my husband and it does TCL. When I'm having fun I don't want to stop, don't want the party to finish, I never want to go home. That was what my brother and I had in common too. It's a kind of greedyness really.
I call it a Lust For Life, others call me a hedonist, I say: "So what?"

I expect you are carousing to-night.smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale Someone else driving? Good for you.smiley - smiley

I'll have a nightcap waiting for you when you get home.
No no, not the rolling-pin. (Did women really do that?)

Must water the plants outside now and get ready to go out.

See you to-night? If you're not "over" tired?

smiley - lovesmiley - smooch

smiley - zoom

It is time

Post 47



Sorry I haven't been around much over the past few days. As you know we were supposed to be in Sunny Devon now but unfortunately there has been a bit of a crisis at home.Our youngest grandson broke out in a rash which did not respond to the 'glass tumbler' treatment, so my daughter and Mrs. Z took him to the doctors who in turn advised them to take him to B'ham Childrens Hospital. When they arrived there it was decided, after an initial examination, to keep him under observation for a few hours.They did not feel that it was meningitis(the big worry) but wanted to make sure. During those few hours the rash got worse and his temerature went up, so they said that he would have to be admitted for 48 hrs. to enable them to carry out the full tests for meningitis. We obviously couldn't leave them, so we put our holiday on hold for at least a few days.Since then it has been shift attendance at the hospital and a lot of worry. Thankfully they seem to think that he has picked up a viral infection(lesser of two evils)and that ,providing the final results are OK, he should be back home tomorrow.If so, we will be off to SD.
We hope that this weather holds for at least the next five days.Hope to get into my shorts...I think Devon deserves a pre-summer look at my legs. Mrs Z. says that they are so white that they may present a danger to shipping if viewed from out at sea...she may be right; every year I do my best to get them tanned, but have never managed it yet. I am looking for a tanning parlour where you can just expose your legs to the UV rays(Do they have such places)I would like to find a place with a pub-like bar, with all the equipment underneath, where you could stand behind it with you trousers off, drinking a pint of beer whilst conversing with other tanners. After a few pints it would be trousers back on,goodnight landlord, and away back home with your new mahogany legs.

The Villa have let us down with regards to Europe.All they had to do today was get a draw at home to Man U. Typically they went two goals down in the first ten mins. As you know I don't want them to get into Europe at the moment as I feel that they are not yet good enough ....It's just being beaten by so**ing Man U. that hurts!!!GRRRRRRR!!
Reading back this message I realise that it has all been me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me. SORRY!!
I will get back to normal posts on my return from 'out west', so until then...

Very fondest thingumybobs

AL XXXX smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

It is time

Post 48


Hi Al,

You will not believe this, this is the FOURTH time I've started this message and I keep getting cut off. I just wanted to say: sorry about the little one, what an awful worry for you all. Glad it's all O.K.

Hope you and Mrs Z have aWONDERFUL holiday, you deserve it.

Send me a card!

Look forward to seeing you back. I'm typing really fast befre I et cut off again!

Be thinking of you.

smiley - love

smiley - zoomsmiley - smooch

It is time

Post 49


Hi Fly...Did you miss me?
We got back from sunny Devon yesterday afternoon(and boy was it sunny!)
Although our break started late due to our grandsons health problem,we had a fantasic time, even if it was just 4 days.Like almost everywhere else the sun shone all day and every day;but somehow, when you are by the sea it seems that much nicer( Don't you live near the coast anyway ?..if so perhaps you don't feel the same about it)We had the perfect break for us..a bit of walking..some drinking..a bit of poking about little villages..some drinking..some reading..some drinking..some relaxing..some.........well, you get the idea!!
The grandson is now fully recovered from his bout of hospitalization. He had loads of tests, the outcome of which was that he had definitely had a viral infection, but nothing more.The doctors and staff at B'ham Childrens Hospital were fantastic; kind, caring and professional, not only to the youngster, but also to our daughter and son in law.I know that to some, the trend seems to be to criticize the NHS, but having had to use the service myself recently, plus this latest incident, I have nothing but praise.....Soapbox now being put away!!!
How did you all manage while the boards were closed? Plenty of gardening,reading, washing, ironing and spring cleaning done..I don't think!!!I wonder what they have done to it..can't say I have noticed any difference yet.The last time you posted you said that you had made about ten attempts to make contact...was that the boards or your pooter?
I see that sodding Man. U. won the cup final(I presume)I watched most of it until the second goal went in..then, after swearing at the TV, I switched it off.Trust them to spoil the end of my break!!!
Won't see you on the boards tonight. We are going out..but hope to be fully operational as from tomorrow.

Fondest doo-dahs smiley - cool

It is time

Post 50


Hismiley - cool

Yes, I really did miss yousmiley - smooch
I have had the most horrendous week. Just before you went away I had trouble getting my messages across and then, the next day, my pooter crashed completely.
Lovely neighbour was here all Sunday afternoon and got me back on the internet again, so I could use this board, but I couldn't send or receive e-mails. And my speakers weren't working and I didn't have "Word".
Monday-morning I saw a notice up at our local Post Office, offering help with pooter problems.
So I asked the guy there if he had time to have a look. "yes" he said,"I'll come this afternoon". He got my speakers working again and we chatted about this and that. I asked how much I owed him and he said he was happy to have a go and didn't expect payment.
Thursday the chap who installed my p.c. came along, he got "Word" going again, but until late last night I didn't have Outlook Express.So, no e-mails, I kept getting disconnected.
And then...I fixed it all myself with the help of someone at Yahoo. It seemed I needed a new password.
Now, everything crossed except my fingers(hinders the typing) I think I'm O.K. again.

I haven't noticed any difference to te boards either. I noticed you'd been in the CB earlier on so I knew you were back. I was watching "Come Dancing". How disappointing that is, I expected it to be like the old one.
Did I tell you TCL was a dancing teacher? Of course, that was before the trouble with the leg!!

So glad you had a good time, it all sounds very relaxing. And lovely news about the grandson.

Yes, I live about 20 mins. driving from the sea. A friend and I went on Thursday to Ferring and Goring, not far from Littlehampton. Nothing there, except in Goring is a cafe directly on the beach which says on its placard that it is "World Famous".
It's a bit of everything for everybody, they do coffee and sandwiches , fish and chips and also exotic dishes, all kinds of wine and you can even order a Magnum of champagne. They only shut on Christmas day and it is very popular but miles from anywhere. It's my favourite place, especially in winter. You can sit on a stool behind the window directly overlooking the sea and it is spectacular when it's rough weather.

So have your legs got brown? Show me then?

I'm getting a bit panicky as I'm going to Spain next Saturday. You know what women are: "Which clothes shall I take? And shoes?" I am making a list!
And then a list of things "to do". "Lock the back door" "Close windows" "Turn off boiler" etc.

I watched the Cup Final and wanted Millwall to win, but Dennis Wise is such a nasty little git, he really annoyed me and so I changed my alliance. Although 3-0 was a bit much, and I hate Ferguson, do you?

Motor racing tomorrow. For once Schumacher hasn't got pole-position, Jenson Button is on the front row, so it might be a bit more exciting this time.

It seems to me as if you've been away ages, does it to you? I suppose because I've had such a strange week.Awful how I missed the computer.
But I realise how lucky I am to live here with so many friendly and caring people around me.

I'm glad your experiences with the hospital were so good. I once spent the night in a Birmingham Hospital. Don't ask! I'll tell you another time. Remind me, otherwise this will become a book.

See you soon.

smiley - love

smiley - zoomsmiley - smooch

It is time

Post 51


Hi Fly
It was great to receive your reply. How are you able to say so much that is interesting and entertaining....I wish I could!
Yes Dennis Wise is a horrible little pratt. I still didn't want MU to win, but I desperately wanted that little 'thug' to be sent off!!
You certainly have trouble with your pooter don't you. How fortunately to be a woman when things get tough. I have said in the past to Mrs. Z that she ought to learn about tyres, oil, bulb replacement etc. She just smiles and says that if she needs anything, she would just turn on her 'little girl lost' face and she is sure that things would get sorted...devious creatures aren't you? But lovely!!
I know what you mean about Come Dancing. I heard Brucie interviewed about the format for this new series, and I thought that it seemed OK..until I watched about 2 mins. of it. Perhaps it will be more entertaining towards the end; but I am sure that I, for one, won't be watching it.
Legs...slightly coloured(in a certain light, whilst viewed through sun glasses)but yes, you've guessed it..not much change;but are we giving up?...Not bloody likely!!!!!!!!
Love the sound of your cafe'...Littlehampton, for some reason, sounds like a criticism......or am I being too sensitive?
For the first time ever I purposely packed as little clothes as possible..and then used as few as I could get away with. It's amazing what you can get away with; and so little washing when you come home. My son and his wife travel a lot; she is Brazilian so lots of their trips are to South America. You would be amazed at how little they take with them...the whole lot is carried in 2 holdalls.
Shall be looking out for the result of F1 see what you've got me doin'. No interest at all you know!!!

Look after your kind friends(I'm sure that you do)We all need each other you know...It becomes more obvious as we get older.

And another thing..never lose your wonderful sense of humour FLY, it is invaluable.
Goodnight..speak to you soon.

smiley - cool

It is time

Post 52


Hismiley - cool

Well, here we are again, absolutely knackered. It seems to me that's how I feel most of the time. Bloody garden!
The race was exciting. Jenson was drivingso well, he was right behind the winner, I had palpitations watching it. Wished I'd had a glass of brandy handy.
I spent 2 hours gardening this morning and another hour this afternoon. I have a lot of "senior moments" when gardening. I stand about wondering what I was supposed to be doing, and now where did I leave that spade? and then I find myself watering a plant when I'm really in the middle of hacking down something.It's because my mind isn't on it.
Had a morning out with a "gardening" friend. At least, that's how she introduces herself."I'm a gardener".
She was upset because her one and only customer had told her off. Trouble is, E. will only do "nice" things in the garden. This lady had asked her to cut the grass, but my friend won't do that, nor will she prune roses (too prickly) and when the lady asked her to move a pot, that was the last straw, such heavy work.
I've known E. for about ten years. I was in the front-garden when she came by and she stopped to talk. She has a completely monotonous voice and that makes her sound very sad.(try it). Ans she usually IS very sad. She used to live in the next road to me in a 4 bedroom house. Her husband wanted a few weeks by himself, to get some space, he said and as soon as he left E. put the house on the market and it was sold the next day. Since then she has gone downhill. She moved into a flat and then into a smaller flat in a cheaper neighbourhood. She buys expensive jewels and clothes and turned up yesterday in a new Corolla car. But she has no money and her son tells her off for being so stupid with cash.
Anyway, when I first met her and she sounded so miserable I asked her in for coffee. I said: "You seem so down, is anything the matter?" She said that she had planned to commit suicide on the 18th of December, she had already destroyed all her address books and her diary. But here we were, in February and she was still here. Of course, I thought she was joking, wouldn't you? But she wasn't. The reason her plan hadn't gone through was because she had 4 cats and she wanted to kill them first before she went herself. So she bought lots of sleeping tablets from the chemist and mixed them into the cats' food, but they wouldn't eat it. So she couldn't go either.

Yes, when I first saw Littlehampton on a signpost it made me titter (my husband had educated me well). He was like a thesaurus and taught me so much. I only had school-English when I came to England, but with reading and asking questions I soon caught up. There were times that I was puzzled. Soon after we had our first car my husband was driving me around the countryside. I was a real townie and it amused me to see signs outside farms with "free range eggs" for sale or "apples". For ages I wondered about a sign I saw: "Toms for sale".I pondered about it for years before I asked my husband: "What do they do with the female kittens?"

Have you looked on the R2 board yesterday? SC seemed to be having conversations and arguments with himself. That bloke is seriously sick, isn't he?

Are you looking forward to going to work tomorrow?
I am going to my "Craft" thing in the afternoon. Could do with being in the garden really. I have a very large bush (a tree really with enormous roots, all mixed up with a very large elder.(Actually, when I read that again it made me LOL) They both have to come out. I keep walking around them but I don't know where to start.
I need a strong man! But then, who doesn't? Time was when TCL was very fit but he seems to have retired now. Just goes for his massage and swimming. I told him Friday that he was lucky to have so much time to spend on his body. What a strange life, when that's all you have to do.

I'll go and have a look at the CB now. Still have some e-mails to answer too.

See you again soon.

smiley - love
smiley - zoomsmiley - smooch

It is time

Post 53


FLY, I LOVE your sense of are a very funny lady!!
I like your friend'The Gardener' who is anything but!! It is sad that what hangs between her and The Great Beyond, is whether the cats eat their poisoned food.....sad to say, she is a born loser.I still think that you should be her friend though.

You are so right about the 'plonker' known as SC. The man ? is a comlete drongo(I don't know what that means..... but I instinctively KNOW that he is one!) I am sad to say that I have posted something to him. Why do I bother?

It is now 12.45 am Monday morning, so I will close now as I will need to catch up on my beauty sleep.

Speak to you soon

ALsmiley - cool

It is time

Post 54


Hismiley - cool

Were you still up at 12.45 a.m. or had you got up early?
I usually put the light out around midnight and almost always fall asleep right away. But, like last night, I awoke and could see it was just getting light. I started thinking of all the things I had to do and got hot and bothered at the thought of it all. Threw the duvet to the end of the bed (you can do these things when you sleep alone) and lay there, cooling off. Don't know what happened then but woke again at 7-30, well snuggled down.

I've been dealing with paperwork to-day, checked bank-statement, paid bills etc. Then off to the P.O. to buy my Euros. I'm making a list of all the things I need to take. You'd be surprised. I always think that when you stay in England you feel you can always buy whatever you've forgotten but you don't know about anywhere else.
Years ago, before Yugoslavia became popular, my husband and I went to Korcula. We were the only English people in the hotel and it all felt really odd. The waiters didn't speak English and they just brought us what they thought we'd like, we didn't understand the menu and they couldn't tell us. It was very hit or miss, but exciting. A glass of cognac was 4d.(old money) We had perpetual headaches!!
The first day they brought me a bowl of cherries for dessert and because I was so delighted I was given the same every day after that.

But, I had forgotten my pen and we ventured out into the town. Not a pen to be had anywhere. In the end the chap in the (sort of) supermarket gave me his.
So, you see, one has to be prepared for anything.

One of my friends refuses to wear a watch and doesn't have an alarm-clock. It's a nightmare being on holiday with her. I have to ring her to wake her up and when it's time for lunch or for dinner.
She is taking me to the airport next Sat. so I'll ring her in good time, but not too early in case she goes to sleep again.
Life is difficult, isn't it? I was so pleased when she won a watch in a raffle, but she gave it away, saying: "I don't wear watches".

You must think I have some weird friends. Good, isn't it? I just hope they think I'm a bit mad too. Do you? Go on, say "yes".

I'm off now to cook my sausages. Yum yum!!

Hope to see you later.

smiley - love

smiley - zoomsmiley - smooch

It is time

Post 55


Yes FLY, you are ever so slightly mad...just enough for it to be attractive.
The last time I contacted you(12.45) We had just got in..Quiz night you know. Mrs Z went straight to bed, so I thought that I would write to you...I was only merry, not drunk!
You seemed to enjoy yourself in the CB last night...Dido CD indeed!!! As I have said before, my sense of humour isn't always apparent..Ah well!! I must try harder.
I started to cross swords with 'The Moron' on the R2 board. He really is going for it this time...I honestly think that he wants to get that board shut down. I haven't been onto the boards yet so I don't know what is happening.
Isn't this weather fantastic..Needless to say, although I am constantly in shorts when I am not working, my legs still resemble two large bottles of milk...BUT I WILL PERSEVERE !!!!

I am crossing to the other side now....may see you there.

Wotsits for now

Al XXXsmiley - cool

It is time

Post 56


Hismiley - cool

Just said good-bye to you on the other side. I was thinking to myself how funny it is that we talk quite differently to each other on here than on the CB.
As if you can say what you like as long as everybody's listening. Weird, isn't it?

Seems they've sorted SC on the R2 board. He's now making everybody laugh, which he couldn't do by posting. Isn't life funny?

Had to phone TCL this evening. Seems like his children have sold the house now, at least, when all the papers are signed. Wonder if they'll give him a share. I think he's afraid I find him dull and now he's started telling me jokes again which he's saved up during the day.Things he's seen in the paper or heard on T.V.

By the way, I was afraid I'd upset Ruth last night. She seemed to take me serious, did you read the whole thread?
I always feel you and I are on the same wavelength and usually way ahead of everyone else.

Just looking at my key-board. I was thinking that I would type faster if my fingers were closer to the keys, like you see touch typists do.
When the chap who supplied this equipment came to see me last week, he said: "What a lovely key-board. So clean." He said I would be surprised how awful some of them are. It made me look at mine, and I notice that some letters are much shinier than others, I presume they are the ones I use most.

Thought you might be interested. No? Oh. O.K. then.

You can tell I haven't got any news. Got up this morning, had breakfast, read most of the paper, got the vacuum cleaner out and did some dusting. Did some ironing and sewed a new zip into a favourite crochet handbag. What an exciting life I lead.
Had two phone-calls, made two phone-calls. Cooked chicken, sauteed potatoes and had a salad with a nice dressing (some days it comes out just right). Anything else? Oh yes, ate a large bar of chocolate.

I'd better get myself tidied up now because I suppose you'll be coming through that back-gate any minute now. Don't forget there's a step up just past the wheelie-bin. Ooops-too late.
Aaawww, never mind, I'll clean you up. There, there. Sit down. Where does it hurt? Have a brandy. That's better, isn't it?

I'm off to see (taped) Eastenders. Maybe I'll think of more exciting things to tell you tomorrow.

Nighty night.

smiley - love

smiley - zoomsmiley - smooch

It is time

Post 57


It hurts ever such a lot up not as high as that...Oh I don't know though!!!!

I love your 'scatty' messages. As I have said before your messages just seem to flow so easily..don't change!
I didn't notice anything wrong in your postings to Ruth...perhaps your like me, I put something down on the board and then spend ages thinking that either it's not funny(as it was intended to be)or it could be taken offensively by someone...I'm sure that we worry too much!
Yes they seem to have sorted SC for the time being, but he is such a p**t(I never can remember whether prat has two T's or one!)that I think that he will be back.

Where is TCL going to live when he has to leave the house?Best not make that spare room up for me until it's decided if he is moving in or not!!!OOOOOOOh!! Scarey!! Could this be decision time?

Do you know that I have been trying to compose this message for the past hour; but the phone keeps ringing..first my sister telling me what she has done,where she has been, and what bargains are to be had at various supermarkets..I really love her to bits, but she does go on. Then as I was about to get started again, my brother phoned..he always says the same thing..'I suppose your surfing again on that net..Are you wearing some of those brightly coloured, knee length beach shorts, and a baseball cap turned back to front?'I have to force a laugh and make believe that it is the first time I have heard it!!.

Must fly now fly as I would like to see what is happening in the CB. It has been a bit livelier over the past couple of nights hasn't it? Might see you in there.

Very special wotsits

Al XXXsmiley - cool

It is time

Post 58


Hismiley - cool

I've been watching the football, but when it got to 3-0 I gave up. I haven't gone over to the CB because I'm sulking, and furthermore I haven't got anything to say. Why am I sulking? Briant did another of his "plays" and everybody is in it except me. I know it is very childish and silly, but I was quite hurt.
So I'm sulking.
Anyway, this Brenda (isn't she the pub-landlady?) seems a bit forceful to me.
Perhaps it's just as well that I'm going on holiday as I seem to be getting paranoid.

On R2 they have only just cottoned on that SC slipped through the net under the pseudonym of Iain Smith. They're persuing him, but it's the same old story.

Am I getting old and bitter? Or maudling? I've had 2 large glasses of wine and it can either go 2 ways: I get very happy and affectionate ...or...I get maudling. Maybe I need another.

TCL hasn't lived in that house for years, he has a (quite nice) flat overlooking the sea. He moved in there with his second wife but that marriage went wrong as well. They were both "dancers" and went in for a lot of competitions and got medals, but eventually it went wrong because she wanted him to say good-bye to his children and he couldn't do that. So she walked out and..divorce no. 2. She went to live with her daughter and he still lives in the flat. He is happy there, I can't blame him for being scared of moving in with me. He's been let down twice and is very frightened of losing what he's got.
No, and even if he wanted to, I could never let him move in with me.
There was a time, when I was first widowed that I would have been happy about that, but now it's too late.

This evening I was plumber. The basin in the bathroom was clogged up. I tried everything, lots of soda, the plunger, no good. Eventually I cut a length of wire and prodded .. and that seems to have done the trick.

I'm in a funny mood this evening. I think it's because of the holiday looming. Half of me doesn't want to go. It was all different when I had my husband, but now, when I sit alone in a hotel-bedroom, I always think: What am I doing here?

Yes, it's the maudling, isn't it? As you say, perhaps I need another.

Your relations, it made me smile. It's like the conversations with TCL. Do you think we sound just as boring to them? The only one I just loved to talk to was my youngest brother. We were both in stitches all the time, completely on the same wavelength, there was no need for "jokes", we understood each other so well. Lovely when it's like that, isn't it?
It's what I miss most about my husband, his sense of humour. We were always laughing, even if we were just in Tesco's, we both saw the funny side of things. At his funeral thats what everybody mentioned: "We'll miss his sense of humour". It's a very precious thing, isn't it?

Am I boring you?

Have you got over the stumble over the step by the wheelie? If so, come along, there's still a good couple of glasses of wine in the bottle.

I'm testing my travel-alarm clock. Sometimes it goes off and other times it doesn't When it does, I nearly jump out of my skin.

Nasty thought, really, isn't it? Wouldn't we look awful without our skin holding us together?

See you tomorrow.

I'll be more cheerful, I promise.

Nighty-night.smiley - cool

smiley - zoomsmiley - smooch

It is time

Post 59


P> the above.

Just had a look at the CB it me? or was it all very silly, in the words of John Cleese.

Anyway, I'm taking my 3rd glass of wine to bed with me. I suppose you're staying up as usual? Well, don't wake me up when you get upstairs.

(Mind you, it would be difficult, you would have to let the loft-ladder down as I live in a bungalow) but I expect you are used to going upstairs and habits are hard to break, aren't they?

Do you remember you brought me hot chocolate once? That would be nice.

Cheers then.smiley - teasmiley - smooch

It is time

Post 60


Knock, Knock, Knock....Flyyyyyyyy!!!!
It's me..Al...
You know...from Brum!!!

Heard you were down, so I thought that I'd come and cheer you up!!!Flyyyyyyyyyy!!
Oh..she must be asleep....mind the pubs still open...s'pose the beers like gnats whatsit round here,,but never mind..
Right, where's that bloody gate?...I can't find the bl***in' gate!!
I'll just have to climb over the, two, three, UP!!
Oh blimey..I've caught me wotsanames on this barbed wire that is nailed along the top of the fence..just lift them off!!!...Ohhhh that's better!

Right, the pub...

Pint of your BEST bitter please my man..and have one yourself...

Tell me...What's that 'foreign' bit of stuff like that lives next door?.............Really!!!...As good as that?


See you tomorrow

Sweet Dreams.

Alsmiley - cool

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