This is the Message Centre for alzima

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 61



Isn't it irritating? I'd typed a long message and then, suddenly, whoooosssshhh, it disappeared. Now I've got to start all over again and I was in full flow!!!smiley - erm

Yes, it was more like old times to-night, although people are still only half believing it's safe, I think.
I kept going back to R2 during the chats, as you say, what a sad lot. If they miss that clown they must be just as bad. And then...suddenly...there he was, back again. As Daniel, 1st post. And they were cheering and welcoming him back! I don't know if it was just a mistake and he slipped through.

Go to

It's a bit weird and it took me awhile to find out what to do. I chose a different name again.
I first of all didn't think it was him in the picture, because he had told Shellay last week that he was a skinhead, and this fellow has a lot of hair. I thought: maybe it's Danny Baker, but the picture comes up with SC's every post. He had, when I looked, done 56 posts to-day. Not normal, is it? And his attitude to his job disgusts me, doesn't do much for the image of Civil Servants. Do you think maybe I don't like him?

The chicken-casserole was very good. I had actually fished a fillet steak out of the freezer, but my friend who lives a few doors away, had cooked this casserole and brought me a portion. Nice, isn't it? So now I can have the steak tomorrow.

May see you tomorrow, although I spend too much time on the puter. You can't help wondering what's going on, can you?

If curiosity killed the cat I should have been dead long ago, I always want to find out what's happening. So many people don't care, I find that strange. People are so fascinating, don't you think?

Going to bed now with my book. I read till 2-16 last night, put the book down, light out, and at 3-00 put the light on again and read some more. Put the book away at 4-00 and slept till 7-00. Don't know why I'm not tired...

Nighty night then smiley - zzz

smiley - smooch

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 62


Did as you suggested and eventually got onto Radiorewind,God how boring. It was everything that we have hopefully got rid of..that WAS Danny Baker who SC had a photo of on his space.Like you I used another name..can't see me ever posting over there.
CB seems to be getting better. Some of the old'uns are starting to post again. I saw that you were one of the first to put your name down for the St. Georges Day Party,never miss a chance for some fun do you?
Sadly Villa could only draw today..better than a loss I suppose!

I spend too long at the pooter as well..but also like you, I'm nosey.Sometimes when nobody replies to my posts I get a bit paranoid and think I shalln't bother again..nobodys interested in what I've got to say..then all of a sudden someone replies and off I go again..Daft isn't it.

I put a comic update on SC's new life 'over there' on the R2 board. I had to go out and came back at 9.30..switched on the pooter,but my thread had been 'swiped' by the mods(very painful)I suppose they looked on it as troublemaking.

I used to read a lot at one time. Now it's mainly newspapers and magazines that I take to bed with me. I like crosswords, not brilliant at them, but not too bad.
So you had steak today for certainly live high on the hog !!You,ll never beleive what we had..Chops, egg and chips. If my old mom was still alive she would have frowned on that.Sundays were ALWAYS roasts. So nice, now that the chicks have flown the nest,to have exactly what you want,when you want it.

Well I have promissed myself an early night tonight(not that I am very tired at the mo)So I'll say goodnight

Many thingies

Al XX smiley - cool

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 63


Hi smiley - cool

Was disappointed that you too thought that was a picture of Danny Baker, I'd like to imagine it was SC. Like you, I know I'll never post on there, it isn't even interesting to read, is it? I was surprised at some of the other names there, but might have known Nick was there, as he and SC e-mailed each other. Strange that they don't discourage e-mails and also, what I don't understand, when you go to the site they tell you that it's nothing to do with the BBC, and yet all I could see was talk about Radio 2. Did you notice that?

Your dinner sounds alright to me, although I've never had chops AND egg, but I suppose with a mixed grill you do.

Guess what I'm having to-day? Fish-fingers and chips. It's got to be something quick because I've got to go to a W.I. meeting to-night. The talk to-night is: "Modern Russia and St.Petersburg" Could be interesting.

I find reading books much easier now that I live alone. I can read any time of the night and day, don't have the T.V. on while I'm reading and it's easier to concentrate. Even when J. is here I find it difficult to read a book, he does cross-words all the time and sometimes he asks me to think of an answer to a clue and other times he wants to tell me how clever he is having worked out this complicated clue.smiley - erm

He was upset last night, although he said he wasn't, his children now have put the bungalow that was left to them on the market, but they wouldn't tell him what the asking-price is, as if to say: "Nothing to do with you". I think he is beginning to regret putting "his family" before me. Said he hadn't slept all night. Why do I now feel sorry for him?

I know how you feel when you go on the MB and nobody takes any notice of your posting. I'm the same. Sometimes I've even said out loud: "O.K. sod you then...ignore me...I don't care" and haven't posted for a few days. Stupid, I know, but I find it's more painful if you "send a new message" and no one answers. Giving Perkins his due, he usually does if he is around. We shouldn't be so vulnerable, should we?
I was thinking about all the daft posts on Rewind and then turned to the CB. If you told anybody what we posted on there when we are having "fun", it's all so daft, people would think it's a complete waste of time.
Must be something missing in our lives as well, don't you think?
For me, I've always liked writing letters and this is more immediate, isn't it? Although I have e-mail addresses of 4 of "our lot" I hardly ever send any e-mails, don't know why really.

Somewhere I read yesterday: "Flirting is so much more fun when you know nothing can come of it." and I think it's true.smiley - winkeye
I used to be very flirty when I had my husband to hide behind, but nowadays I'm much more careful what I say to men, in case they think I mean it. Flirting on the puter is just fun, isn't it? Although I'm always slightly uneasy when Shelley starts.

Must go and cook my fish-fingers.

See you soon.

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 64



Have you ever had any communication from one of this boards ACES. I had one today. He/she said that they should have welcomed me when I first joined the board,and apologized for not doing so..I thought at first it was going to be a repremand for sending too many messages to you and nobody else on this board.

CB was good tonight( am I being too suspicious by wondering if the new visitors could be members of the SC Gang in disguise?...I think perhaps I am aren't I?)What a different atmosphere there is now...I know we keep saying it but..I hope it lasts !!

I think that flirting is more fun when there is the faintest chance that something COULD come of it!!I agree that pooter flirt is just fun..nothing Can become of it.

How was Russia? You know since that film Calender Girls, The W.I.doesn't seem such a boring organisation to be a member of...What month are you on the calender?

Sorry this post is quite short..speak to you again soon

Fondest things

Al XX smiley - cool (I know, I know it isn't me.but it'll have to do for the time being)

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 65


Hi smiley - cool

Yes, I could see you were having fun on the CB board last night, I came in just in time to see you panting after Shell.smiley - tongueout A girl could get quite jealous, smiley - wahwhat's she got that I haven't? smiley - erm Better watch it, I'm not sure you can handle her, she seems very demanding, but maybe it's worth trying.XX

Russia! Well, it was all a bit boring really. A talk with slides about Petersburg. When you have seen one lovely building you've seen them all, I thought. Trouble was, a friend had reserved a seat for me in the front row and the speaker was standing about 3 feet away from me, so I had to look interested at all times. He was a very handsome man, which made it a bit easier.smiley - smiley

Our calender will be a long time coming, I think. Our photographer keeps wanting us this way, then that way and can't make up his mind whether he needs more or not. But I'll send you a copy when it comes out.smiley - ok
I don't know whether all the cyber-flirting is innocent, people do meet up, you read about it all the time, but not in the coffee-shop, I presume.smiley - winkeye

I had one of those "Ace" messages when I joined up, we sort of found our way without their help, didn't we? They can't force us to talk to other people, can they? That WOULD be scary.

Yes, I thought it was funny that yesterday-afternoon three new posters came along. Did someone think it had all gone a bit too quiet? We don't know, do we? We don't know what those hosts discuss.

Well, I've got all the soaps to watch from last night. Been out with a friend to 3 garden-centres and came back with 8 plants to put in. I never learn. Will you do it for me? I would be grateful.smiley - kiss

Talk about flirting, I used to have a gardener, he came once a week for 2 hours. He was a very nice man, but I always had to be careful that I didn't stand near a wall or a corner or he would try to take advantage.
Now he's got Parkinsons and I go to visit him once a fortnight to give his wife a chance to have an afternoon off, but although he can hardly walk or talk (his face is practically immobile) he's still just as naughty. Men....

May see you to-night, wonder if you'll catch Shellay,smiley - run last thing I saw she had her tape-measure out!!! Oh dear!!!


smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 66


Hi Fly,
Yes Shell was a bit scary wasn't she?..and forward...when that tape measure was mentioned I was looking for the door. I think I told you that I wouldn't measure up to her expectations...trouble is she's a copper isn't she?..I was always told to do as you were told by the police..OOOOH! MUMMY!
I don't know what she has got that you haven't.Describe yourself !!!

Will look forward to the calender when it is finished..I imagine that you will be July or August..warm and sunny !!The photographer seems to have an enviable job...this way and that..Some of us wish we had the chance of any way!

I'm intrigued to know how the gardener tried to take advantage..please tell! Fair does to him if he is still trying...even with all his problems.

You haven't visited the boards tonight then? I suppose it's soaps, soaps, and more soaps. Much too clean for me. Mind as yet there isn't much happening on there, may switch off soon.

May see you tomorrow

Fondest things

Al XX smiley - cool( Is this me yet?...NO? OK then !!)

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 67


Hismiley - coolsmiley - coolsmiley - cool

I did come to the boards and there was no one there, looked in a few times and then gave up. This afternoon one of the "new" ones started so many new threads, she seems to think we're all sitting there all day and every day, kept asking where everybody was. I got tired of it, I wonder, like you did, if she is new, she isn't shy, that's for sure.

I shall describe myself, but after you. So there!!smiley - biggrin

I think I may be June in the calender, as that's the month of my birthday and I like that month. Why don't you start making a calender?
Being a photographer opens up allsorts of opportunities.
My brother, when he was young and naughty paid a "model" for an hour to take photographs of her. He had to travel to Amsterdam and missed the last train home and my other brother and I had to go and fetch him.
Don't know what brought that to mind.

No, I wasn't watching the soaps but the Anniversity programme of BBC2, it was very good, snippets of all the favourite programmes. PG mentioned it , I noticed. By the way, she is about the only one who's kept going while SC was around, she joined in with the arguments and very good she was too. Clever lady, that.

The gardener! Use your imagination! It's not easy to get away when you have your back to the wall, is it?smiley - erm

You should have 'phoned me to tell me you were going to be in the CB I would have come and kept you company.smiley - hug

It's 11-17 now, and time for my bed and book. smiley - zzz Busy day tomorrow, shopping and then cooking ahead for my friend who is coming next week, things I can put in the freezer.
Also, you didn't come round to put those plants in for me, did you? I suppose I'll have to do it myself.smiley - sadface

My lovely, opposite neighbour who has always brought me fish and chips every Friday has died this morning. So sad. TCL was jealous of him because a few months ago he brought me a lovely bunch of pink roses which were called "Romance". Can't remember why he gave them to me now. There's nothing more pleasing than opening the door and seeing a man standing there with a bunch of flowers, especially roses.
TCL always buys me pot plants..says it all, doesn't it?

May see you tomorrow-night. Did you enjoy the Shiraz?smiley - redwinesmiley - redwine

Nighty night now, sleep well, see you in the morning..oh no, you'll be gone by then, won't you? Don't wake me up!


smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 68


If i'd known that you would contact me two hours after my message I'd have hung on.
Wednesday is my favourite evening. Mrs Z goes to our youngest and I can do whatever I want....(no nothing like that!)So after spag/bol & garlic bread (not expecting to be kissed)It's a bottle of red and my here I am.

Sorry to hear about your lovely neighbour, I remember you saying that you were fond of nice of him to bring you roses...It's not for me to say but...they are better than pot plants.At least he will be remembered by at least one appreciative many of us hope for that?
Describe myself?..Oh dear...The truth?..Well here goes, but don't blame me, you asked for it.Age 62,5'11'' tall,some people, who's honesty I respect, say that I have a passing resemblance to Pete Waterman (one of the judges off pop idol)...FLY, FLY, come back...what did I say ????? I won't say any more in case I am now typing to thin air.Go on then...your turn.Truth now!!!

I haven't been to the boards yet so we may meet again.It's 8.20 now, so I may visit later.

Bestest wotsits

Al XX smiley - cool

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 69


Hi smiley - cool,

Oh, how nice, we're all alone then.
Hang on a minute, I'll pour myself a glass of wine as well the. Hmmm. that's cosy.smiley - smiley

I had a nice morning and out to lunch with a friend. We went to a strange outfit where there are youngsters who are disabled in some way learning about farming etc. and they have a "restaurant". There were five of them milling about in the kitchen area, some more with it than others. One young man took our orders and scribbled backwards on an bit of paper, unintelligable rubbish, but he made us go through the whole rigmarole until the person in charge took over.

Coming back, the postman had been, brought me a letter from the Council threatening me with legal action if I didn't have my hedge cut by the end of the week.smiley - erm The hedge is lovely, but my next-door neighbour says she can't see past it when she comes backwards out of her drive and she wants me to cut a bit off. That isn't possible because it would ruin the hedge, so she keeps going to the Council. Anyway, I phoned them and somebody is coming to see me tomorrow and I can prove that it is in no way overhanging the pavemnet but well within my boundary.
I need a smiley - hug
I'm going on to the CB now and carry on later.

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 70


smiley - cool

Hi, Second instalment.

Just left the CB. We might as well have stayed here!.
Anyway, I'm glad the woman is coming herself tomorrow to see my hedge. She admitted she was only acting on a report. Isn't it disgraceful they can threaten you with legal action without seeing things for themselves.
Moan over.smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Well, I asked for it, didn't I?
Wish I hadn't asked now, but I have to confess, although you probably guessed, I am a few years older than you.
I am 5'4"- blonde- size 14 (ask Mrs.Zima)Very good hair, lots of it.
According to my hairdresser it's all about hormones.

TCL says that I can still turn heads, but you know, it's all in the eye of the beholder, isn't it?
I have never felt my age and still don't, as you've guessed, I suppose.
I've always been "playful" (not very dignified, is it?)

As I'm more or less replying to my own letter, I can't check what else there was in yours. What does Mrs.Z do on Wed.nights? Is she a nurse?
Are you looking forward to being retired?

My glass is empty, I'm going for a refill. Will look in later to see if you've been back

smiley - love

smiley - zoom XX

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 71


Hi FLy

Age means nothing.Lots of us don't feel our age(and don't act it either)
I would think that TCL is right !!

I think between us we 'killed off' the CB board tonight.Perhaps others feel that they should keep a distance.....!!

I like 'playful'it has a dangerous feel about it!

I have retired once(early)

Now work with adults with learning difficulties..VERY rewarding.

Are you still there?

Al XX smiley - cool

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 72


Hi Alsmiley - cool

Oh, how annoying. I AM still here, left the computer on and checked now and again and it kept saying: No replies, so I just came in really to check what I'd said myself, as I'd forgotten.
Reading your post again I realise you told me Mrs.Z. goes to your youngest on Wed.How many have you got?
Sadly, I never had children.. It's a long story, I could write several books, honestly.

What a lovely job you have, that must be really satisfying. Difficult though, isn't it? You must have endless patience.
TCL has a grandson like that, I've never seen him but he is 6'2"", very good-looking and a lovely chap with a mental age of about 4. J. has tried to teach him things but he's forgotten it all the next day. He helps out in the zoo and just loves the animals.

Yes, I think I've never really grown up. People get annoyed because they think I don't take things seriously. I do, but I try to see the funny side of things if there is one.
When I have problems (like the hedge) I think of my husband who always said: "Come on! It's not a matter of life or death". It brings things into perspective.

Although I am light-hearted and fun-loving people always come to me to talk about their problems. I am very interested in people, as I know you are. But although people ask advice, I know they will do what they want to do, and that is right really. You can only listen and if they want advice, tell them what you think is right in your opinion. And then let them get on with it.

Gosh, getting heavy now.
Time for bed. It's 11-44.

Maybe people thought our chat wasn't very interesting and went to bed. There wasn't anybody there before we arrived either, was there?

Hope you sleep well and have sweet dreams.smiley - smooch

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 73


Hiya Fly,
Now 1.15 a.m.(saturday)Not long in. Went to CB board. Radio Reynolds St. George Etc....Can't be bothered to trail through posts,everyone seemed to have a good time(were you there?)Rest of board will have to wait!!How's things with you? Thought you may have posted in my absence...never mind.
I have three wonderful kids. I am proud as hell about all of them. I see how some youngsters blame you, me & society, for their failure in this and that( and perhaps some have had a raw deal)But all of mine have got off their backsides, sometimes against the odds, and have channelled out careers for themselves in both mental and general health.All three have climbed ladders but have still remained in the 'hands on' sections of the NHS(End of proud father's rant!!!)
Mrs. Z and myself went out early for a Balti(Brums national dish)and then went on to our son's house.Some 3 bottles of red later(Mrs. Z driving)we came home. So here I am.
My job, as you say, is VERY satisfying. I spent 18 years as a salesman in financial services before taking early retirement with a small pension. I knew that I still needed to work, but realised that if I didn't want it to be, money was not the be all and end all of my life; so I could afford to look for something that would enable me to 'put back' something into society.I know that it all looks very noble and grand, and perhaps I was a bit smug when I started, but the reality is that my life, and outlook, has changed dramatically.My friends(because that is what they have become) without realising,have taught me a lot about life and humility; these are people who have drawn the short straw in life, but show none of the 'sophisticated' traits of prejudice, anger and jealousy towards their fellow man that we, so called, 'normal' people exhibit .They accept everyone at face value, no matter what the infirmities.I am extreme privileged to be a part of their lives.
Now who's getting heavy?
Looking forward to a sunny weekend. Lots of gardening,reading newspapers, wining and dining, pub quizing.........god lifes all go isn't it?
Speak to you soon.

Fondest thingumibobs

Al XXXX smiley - coolsmiley - cool

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 74


Hi smiley - cool

Glad to hear from you. You wondered why I hadn't posted in your absence, but I didn't know what to do when you didn't answer my post. Your post before that was very brief and I imagined you were getting tired of it all. (my insecurities surfacing again).

No, I wasn't at the party, I was sorry I missed it. I had got up determined to do some housework (not before time) and then at 1-00 went shopping. Bought myself some fish and chips (had far too many chips) and after that I suddenly felt so exhausted I lay down on the sofa and dozed.

I didn't realise the part started at 2-00, and when I had a look it was well on the way and I couldn't see a way to get into it. I thought:"oh well, it'll still be going in the evening, but by ten it had all gone flat and my messages were ignored. Isn't it stupid, I felt quite upset about that.
And when there was no newsfrom you either I thought "nobody loves me". That was because I had a quarrel with TCL as well.

You sound as if you have such a happy family life, I can't really imagine what that's like. There are days that I'm quite happy being on my own, and there are days that I feel very lonely. Not that I'm that much "alone", but friends come and go and when you've been out somewhere and come into an empty house, you feel sad that there's nobody to tell all about it.All life's pleasures and frustrations are so much better when they're shared.
I suppose that's why I keep TCL on, because we do tell each other about all the dailygoings on, but deep down I'm very angry with him. His children treat him like dirt and yet he puts them above me. What would you say to somebody who says he loves you and then says: "But you'll never be no.1 in my life, that's reserved for the family". When I asked how he could then say he loved me he said: "I love kissing and cuddling you and I feel so comfortable with you." He calls it "love", I call it "being used." I don't know how many times we've argued about this because, years ago, I thought we had a future together. But his ex-wife was still alive and very ill and he felt very guilty because he had an affair (not with me), she found out and divorced him. When she becameill he looked after her, but when she died last summer, I thought things would change between him and me, but no, they haven't and now I feel very resentful he has wasted all my time. Now I wouldn't want to be with him for good, but I am still angry at the way he's treated me.

I really admire the work you do, Al and I'm sure it must be very satisfying to do something so worthwhile, it's worth a lot more than money, isn't it?

Your children sound lovely too and I think children learn by examp

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 75


Second part...

I got cut off from the Internet, I was lucky to find it all back again, thought I'd done all that typing for nothing. Wonder if the letter was too long?

Just shows, once I get started I can't stop.

Lost my thread of thought now.

To change the subject, I'm almost sure SC was back on R2 yesterday and briefly in the CB. Jason challenged him in R2 and even said: "Sod off, Clout" and said he had alerted the mods. PG told the chap (Tony Ferreira) she didn't think he was SC. Anyway, he stayed. Said he wasn't SC etc. But he had the same sort of conversation with a Florrie as he usually has with Shell and at one point said: "I'll have to introduce you to the CB". Hello? He was supposed to be brand-new and hadn't been at the CB. Very strange, you'll see, I expect.

Had a lovely morning in Chichester. Have you ever been there? Asuper market, very good value food, bought lovely English strawberries.
Went with couple from a few doors away, we left at 8.00 to get a good parking spot. Is parking as dire where you live?

Well, I've recorded the F.1. qualifying, so I'm going to watch that now.

May see you to-night.

smiley - love

smiley - zoomsmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 76


Sorry for the silence. My pooter did a wobbler on me and refused to obey(must be female I think!)My regular technician(my daughter in law) has swanned off to London with my son for the weekend, so I was left high and dry. I tried to fix it myself, but only seemed to make things worse, and ended up making a fool of myself by ringing the helpline.The technical engineer on the end of the line started asking me very basic information about the pooter..'what modem am I using?' etc.Well, he might as well have been talking Arabic as far as I was concerned, so I just put the phone down..he must have thought me a proper idiot!!Then today, my nephew came round and sorted it out in about 15 mins.My daughter in law is very supportive and keeps telling me how well I am doing with my pooter...but at times like this I realise that I know next to nothing.
Sorry to hear about your relationship with TCL. It does seem a bit flat from what you say....I think that you should look on it as just a friendship and nothing else, then perhaps you will not be so disappointed.
I'm sorry that this message, once again is a little short, but as you know tonight is quiz night and Mrs Z is asking me how long I am going to be before I get ready..

See you


Hallo me ole fruit

Post 77


Hi Al,

I've started a new thread called "it is time"
Thought I'd better tell you in case you didn't find me. !!!

See you

smiley - love
smiley - zoom

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