This is the Message Centre for alzima

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 1


Hi al

Saw you on the other side, I smiley - run as it was all so technical and all of you so knowledgable about music and artists.
You didn't see me slink out, did you?

I'm having just one more smiley - redwineand then I'm off to bed with my book.
I saw S. looked in at one time and walked out again. Strange!!

See you soon.

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 2



I didn't see you (big sigh AAAAAAAH!)

I never got involved with any music debate(I don't think)...No all I did was try to be comical about Clive and his acting, and consequently killed the thread stone dead. Why does Perkins & co come over as all witty and interesting, and all I do is send people off to bed early.smiley - sadface

Had a bad smash this afternoon in departmental vehicle(my fault) Luckily nobody hurt, but looks like two write-offs, OOPS !Face the music tomorrow....Mustn't try to joke my way out of it !!

I must stop talking to you while you're in bed...people will talk..

You know my ought to, it was you who made it up !!

Fondest wotsits


Ps all the above is my attempt at being offence intended !!


Hallo me ole fruit

Post 3


Hi Al,smiley - smiley

Of course you're funny, it 's just that some people have to have the humour laid on with a shovel. As for us, we appreciate the finer points.smiley - biggrin

How awful you had a smash up- Why do you say it's your fault? I thought you should never admit that. But, I once had a minor "coming together" (as they call it in F.1.) with a girl in a car-park. I reversed out and she tried to pass me, it was debatable whose fault it was, but she had a brand-new car from her husband's firm. We both cried and both said it was our fault.smiley - erm
Later that evening she phoned and asked how my husband had taken it. Hers had been ever so sweet about it all. It didn't help, I already felt so sorry for myself, coming home and having no one to commisserate with me. But, her hubby soon had it all sewn up and I had to pay, at least my insurance did. Next time(if there is one) I shall be more careful what I say.

As it is, I have been going to bed for hours , butI'm trying to stay up as late as I can, hoping I'll sleep better. If I'd known you were coming to see me I'd have asked to bring me a nice hot chocolate,smiley - tea Fell asleep during Corrie but will be wide awake at 3.00 in the morning.smiley - wah

Hope it all turns out well tomorrow.Be thinking of you.

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 4


Fly,Hot Choccy..Wakey-Wakey !!!

You are so sweet.Do you go 'PING' at 3.ooam as well..It's a bugger innit? I have given up forcing myelf to sleep. I read, do crosswords, listen to music, anything I want to do, then, when I am tired, I go back to sleep. OK it isn't the recommended 8 hours..but what the heck, the secret is DON'T worry about it. !

I didn't admit liability for the smash, but ,BYM, It was my fault. I pulled out of a side road to cross a dual
carriageway, looked to my right..nothing( I thought) then WALLOP !!!!!)

I'll keep you informed as to developements.

Wotsits aplenty


Hallo me ole fruit

Post 5


Hi Al,smiley - smiley

The hot chocolate had gone a bit cold by the time I found it, you should have shouted harder, I think.

Oh! Driving! I am the most erratic driver, some days I'm brilliant, some days I wish I'd stayed at home. I'm hopeless at parking, yet, my garage is only just big enough for my car, but I have no problem with that.Yet, in a car park I find it almost impossible to get it between the two white lines.
Yesterday I was going to go to our nearest town, 13 miles away, and because I had't been for a while, I was worried about it. I think that's what kept me awake. Yet with all the problems I had in the house, I slept like a baby.
Then, one night I wake up at 3.00 and that sets the pattern for weeks to come.smiley - erm
I found it worse when my husband was alive, trying not to wake him, but, at least now, I can put the radio on, turn the light on and do what I want.

Did you realise one is restricted to te length of these posts? I was happily chatting away and it all came to a full stop.
They probably thought I had started writing my book.
Hope you're feeling smiley - ok, see you later.>love> smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 6


Hi Fly,
Just a short one (being as they are counting words) to say that I have been out carousing with my chums. I am VERY tired and a bit'shushy' so I will leave the sensible conversation until tomorrow.

Best wotsits


Hallo me ole fruit

Post 7



Dirty old stop-out.

So, what did they say when you got to work? Were they laughing?smiley - laugh

I've been awake all night, coughing and feel exhausted. This afternoon I fell on my bed completely dressed, don't remember ever doing that before.
Feel a bit better now.smiley - biggrin

Saw you're taking the misses out for "snap", I always thought that was a sort of snack workmen took to work. Am I wrong?

Have a lovely evening.
I shall drink your smiley - redwine

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 8


Hi Fly,

It was early 'snap' due to a number of reasons (daughter no. 2 coming round later etc.)I suppose snap is a workman thing, it's just an expression that has slipped into my vocabu...voabl...voc...I use a lot!
Sorry to hear that you are not too well, hope whatever it is goes soon.
No 2 daughter wants to use the pooter now so I'll have to sign off. Speak to you later.smiley - biggrin(It's one of those again !)

Very best wotsits


PS Have an early night...I'll send VIC around to rub your chest. Ha Ha

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 9


Hi Al,

Please, don't send Vic , I don't like the way he smells.

I'm off to bed now, hope I see another day.smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

See you soon

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 10


Hi Fly,

Just a flying visit(haven't been around much for the last couple of days) How's the chest? Better I hope.Has the CB gone 'odd' again or is it my imagination.Haven't got time to look around much at the mo.(just going out for a quiz night)Where is everyone posting now on here? Must fly, Mrs. Zima calls !!!!


Bye Flysmiley - smiley


Hallo me ole fruit

Post 11


Hi Al,

Hope you won. Free beer then, is it?smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale

How's the chest. Well, it LOOKS alright, but then, looks aren't everything, are they?
I was going to see it doesn't FEEL alright, but perhaps I shall put that another way.smiley - winkeye
I'm coughing better!. Getting the hang of it now. Bark Bark (are there smileys for that?)

I looked in at the mb at 9 o'clock and nothing had been posted since 8. I know Briant has been there, but I never know anything about the quizzes he does, so I keep quiet. There were a few footballers wives earlier, but, as you say...Very odd.

There's not a lot going on here either. Do you think they've all gone somewhere else without telling us? Some chatroom, I bet.
You see, I feel Scott has won. He's spoilt it for us all and now he's gone somewhere else to aggravate people. And we're all at sixes and sevens.smiley - erm

I was going to tell them about my dreadful experience this morning, but I thought there's no point if nobody's listening.
Decided to change the bedclothes. Taking the cover off the duvet, the most enormous spider I've ever seen started running towards me. I know you'll say I'm exaggerating, but it was at least 6 inches wide. Honest. Ran out of the room (me) to get glass and card (my method of catching spiders), but when I came back it was nowhere to be seen. Still haven't found it. Somewhere under the bed, I reckon. I shall sleep in the spare room tonight. I must have shared my bed with him.smiley - sadface

See you soon.

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 12


Hi Fly,
Questions that have baffled the greatest minds.... No. 1. Why do spiders have all the luck ?
Seriously though, they say rhat they are more frightened of you than you are of them (they also say that of snakes...but I don't believe them !)
Glad your chest is LOOKING, OK.!!!(I think I ought to stop there in case I may say something untoward)
Do you also feel that people have gone elsewhere and not told you?....I do !!...Is that me being insecure? BTW, I am sure that they don't think that of are much too nice for that.
You are right about S. I think that he has won. We, and I have to say that I was never among the original lot,have been beaten into submission by him; I only hope that we can re-group, but where is JYY, PG, Clive,Bonnylass etc?(am I rambling on?...I always say that you should never go on the net after a night on the happy juice !!!)

We were abysmal tonight in the quiz. How the hell should we know what year betting shop windows were allowed to have clear glass in them?..I ask you? Some clever buggers got it right !!!Needless to say, we came home empty handed.
Will sign off now. Look after yourself.

Best wotsits


Hallo me ole fruit

Post 13


Hi Al,smiley - smiley

Fancy you not knowing when betting shops were allowed to have clear glass. Wonder what all that was about? Perhaps they don't want you to spot your neighbour or friend who owes you money,standing there with a betting slip in his hand.

A chap across the road here looks like a Neanderthal. They say he is a "gentle giant", he speaks to nobody and is in the pub's tug-of-war team. They always win.
But I'm told he wins all the pub-quizzes. Perhaps in the end you've heard it all before.

Funnywhat you said about the MB. Came along there at 11-50 or so this morning and there were quite a few of the "old" crowd: Perkins, JYY, PG and Helen, but as soon as I come along they all disappear. Gives one an inferiority complex.Same happened yesterday. I give up.smiley - wah

Glad you're still talking to me.smiley - kiss
Listening to JV about the smoking-ban in pubs in Ireland. I'm glad I gave it up. My sister-in-Law in Holland has dreadful bronchitis and asthma but she won't give up smoking out of defiance. Seems daft to me, in the end nobody cares if she kills herself. We are good friends, she says the only thing wrong with me is that I don't smoke any more!!smiley - biggrin

I must have done something wrong the other night when my message was cut short because they let me rattle on to-day. Do you think we'll ever know all the ins and outs?smiley - erm

Time to find some lunch. Had a horrific night again, wide awake. Wrote my life-story in my head. You'd think the boring stuff would make me drop off. No chance.

See you soon

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 14


smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley


Just thought that I would drop you a line to cheer you up.

I see you had plenty of posts on CB....Told you you were nice didn't I? How did the cold lamb go down, I thought that I was the only one who liked that. In our house once a joint of lamb has gone cold, I'm the only one who will touch it (must be because I was a war baby...ate everything I could !)Kids today...Well !!!!
Did I see that you support Oxford in the boat race? So do I..although I don't know why. I think that it was because my dad who worked in the motor industry in the midlands, used to have to contact Cowley about parts that were ordered illogically, we all supported Oxford..still do...Daft innit !!!Got no interest in the boat race at all.

Had quite a good night last night, 5 hours. Off work today( taking holidays owing or else I loose them.) We had a drive out to the Malvern Hills and Ledbury.The weather was wonderful, the hedgerows are starting to break out,it was a perfect spring day.

I packed up smoking 30 years ago.At the time I was a 40 a day man; I honestly don't think that I could afford to smoke now..although I suppose that if you're 'hooked' you'll find the money.

Have a good night tonight.

Best wotsits


smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 15


Hi Al,smiley - smiley

I'm glad you had a lovely day.
Me? Well, I've never sneezed as much in my life. And LOUD!!! The builder next-door had his cement-mixer going and even through my double-glazing he could hear me, at least he kept glancing towards my bungalow.
Unbelievable. Goodness knows what I'll look like tomorrow, eyes and nose streaming, it's ridiculous.smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah
Keep dropping off in front of T.V. this afternoon. Good, maybe bodes well for to-night.

I've no idea where Malvern Hills is or are, I must have a look at the map. Nothing new there, I never know where I am. Lover can't understand it, he knows his way about immediately. We went to a place on the coast called Goring once. He drove. I like going there because although it's a seaside place, it's very quiet, there's nothing there except one, quite classy cafe. Almost right on the beach. Good car park. I had been there loads of times with a girl-friend before and love it in winter when the sea is so rough, you can hardly remain standing.
But i couldn't find my way there on my own. Lover sent me detailed instructions, blow by blow of how to get there and back and he's only been there once.I drive around in circles and cry because I know I'm never going to find my way home again. And how wonderful when I do get home and swear I'm never leaving the house again.

When my husband was alive he drove me wherever I wanted to go and I used to just sit beside him, my brain in neutral and enjoy just sittng there.
Those days have gone. I now have to be in charge of my life.

Did you hear me sneezing then?smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

I had some lovely onion and redcurrant chutney with my lamb. There's enough left for tomorrow as well, don't know if I'll fancy it again, though. My husband didn't like cold lamb either,we nearly always had beef. Although he loved lamb stew, made with middle-neck of lamb, very fatty but very tasty. We called it: "Bone dinner", we had a dish on the table for the bones.! Happy days.smiley - biggrin

Do you know where "rewind" is? Someone said that Scott was on there, publishing his schedules.

Ever since Nick Birse is on MB things have become very technical, very nice for those who know what they're talking about and very helpful too, I'm sure. Makes me realise I know nothing.

Hope you have a good kip.

Actually, last night I was composing a letter to Lover B. telling him about all his faults and pointing out what a swine he is. Fatal. What I must do is write the letter and then destroy it. When I feel like it, most of the time I can't be bothered.

See you soon.

Just wondered, what have you done to have to listen to all my troubles? Poor you.

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 16


Call me anytime Fly..always a pleasure,

Sorry you don't seem to be much better.I was hoping to see you in the CB tonight but I don't suppose you'll be venturing far, don't blame you.

The Malverns are on the Worcester/Hereford border..birthplace of Edward Elgar...wonderful walks..great views,and only 30 miles away.

I'm intrigued by 'Lover B' is that as apposed to 'Lover A'? ...Fly, have you got 2 on the go? I think that you would be right to rip up the letter; sometimes just putting everything onto paper is enough.The only thing I would say though is,if the relationship is going nowhere and it's making you sad, bring it to an end. I know sometimes if we are lonely we are frightened of losing a relationship, misguidingly thinking that anything, no matter how bad, is better than nothing.The trouble is, while we are spending so much time & emotion on this, we are unable to draw a line and move on (I have just realised that I have used one or two of those cliches that have been slammed recently)I don't know if this is your situation, so forgive me if I have read something where there is nothing.

Your right about the technicians that are holding court on the other side..It frightens me when they talk about firewalls and things. I have had a problem on my pooter tonight. I tried to send a message on the CB board, but a little note came up and said that there was an error, and to refer to my providers technical site...only trouble is..I haven't got a clue who or what they are refering to...I've just thought..I may not be able to send this message,so if you don't receive it, I'll send you another when I am able..(Ha! Ha!)or should I say smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Best wotsits


Hallo me ole fruit

Post 17


Hi Al,smiley - biggrin

I knew Lover B. would make you wonder what happened to LoverA. I shall call him John (or J.) in future.

You have read the situation quite correctly, You are as bad as me,I think, I'm always analising everything instead of just getting on with it. But then it's more interesting than talking about the price of fish.

You are right, of course, I should put a line underneath it all and move on. But....there isn't much left, really, to finish off. I have grown indifferent to the whole thing. We talk every other night, like friends do, about the things that have happened during the day: my drains, my fence, my outings, my friends....his leg, his leg, his leg.. I've become bored with it all, I suppose, but then, as you say, it's better than nothing. Somebody to tell your troubles to. It is the same for him. He has three grown-up children, one of his daughters e-mails me now and then. Next week his children will clear up the bungalow J.'s wife left them and divide the money amongst the three of them. J. gets nothing (he was divorced) even though he paid for that house when he was still living there. He still tends the garden etc. but he is very hurt that they take him so for granted. And that they haven't said anything about giving him a share. And he's only got me to tell it to. So, we just amble on.

I have a feeling you are one of those persons, like me, who everybody brings their problems to. All my life I've been an "agony aunt" even when I was quite young. Like you, I'm interested to find out what makes people tick. People are so surprising sometimes.

Look at the time, I've still got 2 hours of soaps to watch, some I had recorded last night and forgot about.

Nice to talk to you. Sorry if I've got"heavy".
Will be all sweetness and light tomorrow, I promise.smiley - kiss

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 18


Guess who's back on the CB?

What a pain!!!

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Hallo me ole fruit

Post 19


Hi Fly,

Are you heavy ? What a question to ask a lady ! The good thing about being on a board is that you can be as slim,young or as beautiful as you like..nobody is likely to ever know,bar you.
What did happen to lover A. Was he the Cornish lover, or is J the one from Cornwall? You are a little tease aren't you? Yes I have been told that I am easy to talk to, as it seems that people look on me as a sympathetic listener. We all need someone to ask advice from,unburden ourselves to,and have a shoulder to cry on. By the way..what's wrong with his leg? It seems to be the main topic of his conversation, easy to see why you are losing interest.
We went to see Dennis Locorriere (ex-Dr. Hook)this evening. He was at a small local venue. When we got there we became part of the old brigade.I have never seen so many 'bay window' bellies or 'monkey bums' on the back of mens heads, gathered in one place.And we were all dressed alike..cord jeans/chinos, blouson type jackets,trying to look cool c/o M& was pitiful.We had seats in the cicle, which had quite steep stairs to it. We were seated before most of the others had come out of the bar.It was funny to see some of these aging children of the 60s having to be helped up the stairs due to creaky legs and bad backs...all street cred long gone.DL was very good, but you wonder if you want to see performers when their star has faded; perhaps we should just remember them as they were.

Hope you enjoy your'll be in good company.. SC likes soaps too !! Had a quick look at CB board...He really thinks that people will be glad to see him back....thick skinned or what.
I've just noticed it's 1 am. Must go...I'll probably be awake again by 3.

Fondest wotsits


Hallo me ole fruit

Post 20


Hi Al,

Couldn't believe it. When I logged on it was about 11-25 and when I looked at your message it said: posted 10 hours ago.

I went to sleep at 12-00 and awoke at 4-00. I always put the radio on but Alex Lester keeps me awake. I usually fall asleep again when Sarah Kennedy is on. SC would be pleased. wouldn't he?

First things first. LA and LB are one and the same. LB was short for LOver-boy, wish I hadn't bothered now.

His leg.. Well, he is so fit, it's annoying. Used to play rugby and went running every day until a couple of years ago. When he is here and he thinks I'm not looking he's doing exercises. When we go for a walk he feels he has to swing his arms and do deep breathing.
Me: I HATE exercise, although I can walk faster than him and for longer. HA. I've preserved my energy, like a cat.
Now, he has a little pain in his leg, near the groin and the physiotherapist says it's a tendon which need to be exercised. So he goes to this chap three times a week and then does exercises at home.
You may wonder what I ever saw in him. He was at a part of my London office, many years ago, he asked me to dance..and that was it, really. He moved away and we only kept in touch with Christmas cards. When my husband died,he phoned me and his voice makes me go weak at the knees.
Pathetic or what.
But I couldn't live with him and this continuous interest in the body.

I know what you mean about these ageing rock and rollers. J. is passionate about all kinds of music and when he is here we go to concerts and all sorts of gatherings. Last summer we went to one of those shows, God, can't remember the name of the band. They were O.K. but I think it's all a bit sad. The best bit ws being in the bar beforehand and looking at the punks and rockers of long ago. And the LADIES. Dear oh dear, it's another world.

Going out to lunch now to local pub, under new management, so we'll see what they come up with.

I know, SC thinks everybody wants him back, but there are some who are encouraging him, wish they wouldn't. It won't take long, though and he'll be on his hobby-horse again.smiley - sadface

He's ruined it all for the rest of us, I don't think there;s a way back now.

See you soon,smiley - biggrin

Come on, back to bed you, my friend has arrived and we're off.

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

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