PowerfulSuperMan500 Turbo Charged

HI Im Dezdevil lol
49 M DUBLIN im married to my wiferose Got 8 Lovely Children Aye a big Family i tis gotsmiley
Ma cousin comes online Here
U194194 "P"O"love" She a great Lass Engaged to be Wed To a Nice elf Andy Known on Here As November_rain cheerup
IM in2 footballdiscostoutponybookbusstoutvampire&ghostStories.
Please leave me a wee message i get back to you soon stoutok


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Hi princess of hearts Mar 3, 2004 Jul 24, 2007
^I SPY 2^ Mar 3, 2004 Mar 11, 2007
Account No Posting Apr 15, 2006
Account No Posting Feb 21, 2006
Stay Away No Posting Dec 6, 2004


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powerfulSuperMan500(TURBO CHARGED)

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